KANG MOO THE THROAT GOAT Ggggg this chapter was something else this story never fails to entertain me “...if we die together...I will kill you first” ヽ(`Д´)ノ the lapsssss I rannnnnn for this chapter “the only time you can cum...is when I fuck you!” gooooodbye I love this story smmm
I’m scaredddd honestly Jiwoon needs therapy they really scarred him as a child so everything from this point on is he does anything sus I’m blaming it on his trauma but hopefully it’s nothing tooo bizarre.
Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit holdonn not the jaw clenching I’m scared I hope Director doesn’t do anything crazy I kinda feel like after seeing that they might break up I hope not they’re one of my favorite couples
The art is so bad the main reason I didn’t continue reading