Am I the only one who likes Tess? Don't get me wrong I'm not a bug fan of romance in these types of webtoons because they're usually useless but Tess is waaaaay better than most of them. She doesn't heavily relie on Art nor does she allow herself to. She wants to be better and stronger than most. Though she was wrong kissing Art w/o consent.
Dang that really sucks because everyone knows that Touma has feelings for Kuroi especially because he's really open about it. But with Kuroi no one can really tell even Touma himself whether Kuroi's feelings are the same and it just sucks because he just has to believe Kuroi has feelings not even knowing.
Probably just me but I can't understand her anger towards Seth. Not only sdid she sit there and watch the situation unfold but allowed her sibling and someone who she trusted be raped by her husband. She knows the truth but she still partially blames Seth because he should of gone to her like ma'am your husband not only gave his seed to another woman but used his son's soul to get Seth to give his body up
I suggest rereading chapter 46 again! Isis basically shares her perspective and she makes a strong case.