Is that Yi Yun's lost embryo? That baby totally felt safe and familiar with Yi Yi and Yi Yi probably felt the same familiarity when he saw and held the baby. That's probably why he can see him as a baby and not a duck. Poor Rou Rou, he is oblivious because he is only just a child but he has the power to bring people together. I hope Yi Yun doesn't forget the "dream" when he wakes up and gets to see the baby in person.

I'm genuinely sobbing right now. What Sooho is feeling right now is what I felt for a few years. I felt sick to my stomach and I feared death. Whatever he is feeling is most likely a representation of severe anxiety and later to become depression. There were times I felt that death was the only option for me to not feel sick anymore but because I feared death at the same time, I just had to continue my day and hope for the best. Luckily I don't feel anxiety of depression anymore and I hope Sooho feels better. I really hope he doesn't reincarnate. If he has to take his own life let Taker do it by taking his soul. TT^TT
I was waiting for this chapter! I didn't know it was the last chapter.