Man, Istg people be getting triggered outta nowhere now cause Kotaro happens to be a good guy. Where was yall when he killed so many others? He was supposed to be like this. You guys be thirsting for his yandere traits at first but shit on him now cause he trying to kill the guy you like.
His actions aren't invalid as well. Satoko promised to marry him. Now as much as I like her, I gotta admit she is using this man to the fullest. So why is it wrong for this psycho to want her to keep the promise?
He's crazy, his idea of love is hella warped. Can't be comparing him to a gentleman like Kotaro who's had a fairly easy and secure life and say shit like Oh GoD kOtArO iS sO mUcH bEtTeR tHaN HiM
Why is a completely different work being uploaded with this?
I'm still glad to find out that this manga isn't being continued. I almost got a heart attack thinking I'd have to continue reading this garbage.