Helios's feed

There's a few things that seems so wrong here.

It's nice that we got an og FL who's truly nice as she's written and doesn't give a damn about og ML until he started courting her right.
However, can't they do their thing on their own?
"You're her friend, you're my... *Blushes*" lol that's bull. He can give a gag order to anyone who he ordered to deliver his letter, doesn't have to be Nia, the first 2 might be fine, but if she continues to be cupid, they're going to take all the time in her life.
There's been so many of these love bridge trope crumbling in the middle in later part of the novels that they're just meh right now. Still FL should stop that thing. Good thing she's getting jealous now, hope she starts chasing after her interests.

Also, am I the only one expecting the cliche CP will fall in love with Nia? Lol.