Helios November 16, 2020 9:51 am

that lee min/man soo....... I don't think he's really a student. I'm guessing he's undercover for some cases. he went to different schools for many other reasons but he came back because hee wu appeared so maybe he found a lead. and the way he expressed his ambition, I don't know, seems like what a detective with the same circumstance would only say. If it was the student council president who said that, then I'd think he'd something real bad.

Helios November 16, 2020 5:34 am

Jumping over the balcony was wrong though, she might have triggered some of MLs traumas because of that. But I can sympathize with the FL, something similar happened to me lol. It's been bothering me for a long time but I guess I'll share it. It will be long so if you had time, feel free to read it hohoho....

I'm not that comfortable being with strangers much more so if it's a guy. so when my friend introduced her bf to our group I did my best not to be rude to that person since he's my friend's bf. I'm a very chatty person when it comes to broad topics and it so happens that her bf was the same. the only time that I talked to his boyfriend was when she brought him with her or when he's waiting for her class to end or when the group hangs out for a bit and he's there and on a group chat where everyone's there.
don't get me wrong, my friend and our group were also a fan of broad topics so they're not being left out in the conversation.

I liked asking people for their opinions on certain topics you see and I wouldn't think that these two lovers won't talk even just a tiny bit of those stuffs when it's just the two of them. they're really smart you know. the only time that I got to talk with this guy privately was when he sent me a private message about my friend he was asking stuff about her and I'm not the only one he asked, I've confirmed it to the others. then things continued on and on he kept sending me private messages, I've always let my friend know, I even sent SS of our convo to her and she told me they were talking at the same time he would send those to me and she knows about the contents so I didn't bother with it.

They'd invite me for dinner and I'd always turn them down and it wasn't just me that they invited. I've only gone with them twice, the first one was when the guy lost a bet to everyone so he had to treat everyone, but everyone had to go somewhere and he can't reschedule on another day so it's only the three of us, I wanted to leave but when everyone was gone it's hard to refuse an offer since they kept on insisting, and the other was when I really wanted to go home but my friend dragged me so I had no choice she knew I was really low on provisions that time so she insisted. It was really awkward being with them, I even confronted my friend if it's okay that I'm with them when it should be just the two of them and she said yes.

but something happened the first time though, I was sitting at the table waiting for them while they order and a mascot from that place was being comedic by making cute pranks with their customers, I didn't mind him at the beginning since I was looking at my friend and she was mouthing words to me about the food, it seems like this mascot saw me alone and started to do things asking me if I was alone and why and that I looked sad. I said no and pointed at the two people I'm with and he must have only seen the guy and thought he and I were a thing.

I strongly denied it but that mascot insisted on things and although he was funny it's hella awkward after that. I wanted to change seats with my friend so that she and the guy could sit beside each other but she made him sit beside me. and during that second time, we were walking side by side as we go home, we were having fun, talking about funny things we see along the way then we stopped by some store, suddenly the girl disappeared we were talking for a minute when we realized she was gone to somewhere and she didn't say anything. when we searched for her, I saw her ghosting in the shadows like a ninja with a weird look on her face. I felt strange and wondered why she did that.

afterward, I distanced myself from them I still said hi to the guy when he greets me, he's nice but I guess too nice since this friend told me he's still friends with his exes and he's really friendly with girls but this guy ain't good looking ya'll. and I didn't know at that time, she was having insecurities about their relationship, I've only known about it when she told me long after those two times I went with them, I was the last one to know since I've never talked to her that much after that because I was busy then. I told them to talk it out and for the first time that night I sent a message to that guy saying that if he hurt my friend I'll bash his head open so he better talk things with her since she's really down.

I didn't know what happened but after that, my friend called me saying she had a big problem and she's dead if her parents knew about it, I thought I was the one she first told about it but later I found out that I was the only one out of those people she asked that offered to help her out. apparently, because of her insecurities with her relationship she was feeling lonely, and she did the craziest thing of sending NP's to her ex, and this MF shared it with a friend whose f***** up in the head, then used it to blackmail her.

her parents were strict and she's a smart girl with a scholarship on her name. and since I didn't care for gossips I didn't know that her issue blew up with our peers and other circles. She didn't want to tell the guy but I convinced her that she and he are in a relationship, you should be honest with him, and that although you're jealous of his exes, you still owe him an explanation about the issue. she was afraid this guy would dump him right after but he stuck with her. he was really worried about her because that person blackmailing her lives near her neighborhood and you know what he's after. this guy is scary cause he had really dangerous friends hanging out in his house, this friend of mine had to pass by to his house to get to theirs.

The Bf and I decided to accompany her home even if it's way far from my house, I was really worried about her and that person made criminal threats to her. I fought a lot during high school so I really had the guts to do that for her, I'm generous with my friends you see. thank god nothing happened but this girl really had the wildest imagination. when that case had its closure, she ratted on our other friends that she was worried I was stealing her guy during those times. the guy and I lived in the same place while she's commuting from out of town from their house so when we go home with her, I and the guy had to ride the same vehicle to go back afterward.

she even accused me, of taking advantage of that time to steal him from her and that the guy wasn't talking with her that much because he was talking with me. The guy and I always talked about her on our way home and he was really concerned about her issue and he really loved her. he asked me for advice on how to handle their situation and that he really wanted to do something for her or that he was really mad at the other guy and to my friend as well for allowing that to happen to her and that he understands her reasons and whatever.

But this girl even also held me accounted for those two times I went with them when it was supposed to be just the two of them. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 girl what? I was really hurt and wronged. I didn't hang out with them for quite a time after that, we made up eventually BUT, another thing blew up. I had a background with directing plays, my friends asked me for a favor to help them out, just an advisor and at that time her relationship with that guy was already sinking, I never touched the topic about them anymore and in the middle of the production, of the play, they broke up and she's not doing her job as their director, I lashed out at her because she was jeopardizing everything we have done so far and I get why she's being like that but she had responsibilities and the crew and everyone was mad already.

I wanted her to snap out of it but she made a different snap and walked out. I was left to fix the hell of a mess she made. that bastard of a guy, even used our play to broke up with her. the poem we used for that play was actually his goodbye letter to her. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
in the end, we won since it was for a competition, after that, I confronted her with everything but it seems like I was painted as the devil. thankfully, I didn't experience what the FL did because I had other reasonable friends and maybe I did something wrong too but I know I'm an idiot for being a good person.

I have never ever ever been attracted to that guy. like I said, he wasn't even good looking for every woman in the world to fawn over. I wasn't even thinking of being in a relationship because I was busy thinking about how I won't get broke in every day of my life. I never talked to him after they broke up even if we passed by each other daily. I mean, who the hell talks with boys who broke their friend's heart? In my eyes, the guy did nothing though but who knows.

to this day, that girl and I treat each other in a civil manner but we don't talk or see each other anymore like before. our friendship also ended at the same time they broke up.

    Yuki~tan November 16, 2020 6:13 am

    Wow, I don't know about the guy but what that girl did was really being a bitch.
    She wasn't a least bit grateful for not only helping her out with her insecurities when all her "friends' were not but also accusing you later after you literally saved her reputation.
    Personally I wouldn't be friends with such a person ever again.

    StalkerGurl18 November 16, 2020 6:19 am

    You're story pissed me off on a whole other level ESPECIALLY since it happened in real life. First of all fuck her she's not a friend and the sooner you realise that the better. Second of all neither you nor the guy did anything wrong. He should have straight up dumped her ass NOT stick with her AFTER SHE SENT NUDES TO HER EX. SHAME ON YOU for thinking that he was the one who broke her heart when she doesn't have a heart to begin with. If she was seriously insecure SHE SHOULD HAVE SAID something about it NOT flirt with other man. If her stupid ass had gotten rape it would have been her looking for it in the sense that SHE PUT HERSELF IN THAT situation. I'm NEVER one to put the blame on the victim but there's a difference between bad things happening to you and you PUTTING yourself in a bad situation. She had her boyfriend BUT sent nudes to HER EX under the pretense of oh my boyfriend is probably cheating on me. Listen the only reason for you to suspect your significant other of cheating is if you yourself is cheating.

    He was literally there with her and for her AFTER SHE was encouraging another man with sexual content and you have the audacity to say that he broke her heart? She wasn't even thankful to the both of you guys when you guys stood by her side. Plus the fuckimg whore had the AUDACITY to try and DEFAME the both of you guys and you're here saying shit like the guy is in the wrong.


    Don't play with people's emotion and don't try to justify cheating. There's NO EXCUSE for cheating and NO REAL reason to cheat unless you ARE INTENTIONALLY trying to hurt someone. You're friend sounds like a cancer that should be removed from the earth permanently. She sounds like the type that would get you killed or raped.

    The only thing you did wrong is stand up for that piece of shit and tried to defame the guy when he did nothing wrong. He had all right to break up with her how he chose to because guess what both of your lives could have been in danger because of that slut.

    Do you understand that there's a high chance that the boyfriend could have gotten killed and you could have gotten rape along side that whore? Do you understand that much? I'm going by what you're saying about the blackmailer and he sounds like the type that would do something like that.

    IceCreamCheeseCake November 16, 2020 7:56 am
    You're story pissed me off on a whole other level ESPECIALLY since it happened in real life. First of all fuck her she's not a friend and the sooner you realise that the better. Second of all neither you nor th... StalkerGurl18

    Woah thats
    that's deep. But I understand where you're coming from and you make a lot more sense than that girl. Does she have paranoia or something? You mentioned that when she disappeared and you two went looking for her then saw her looking at you guys weirdly. I mean. She sounds paranoid

    Helios November 16, 2020 8:33 am
    You're story pissed me off on a whole other level ESPECIALLY since it happened in real life. First of all fuck her she's not a friend and the sooner you realise that the better. Second of all neither you nor th... StalkerGurl18

    I get you chill... I didn't think it sounded that way but I didn't mean to say he was the villain. I was talking about the girl. he broke her heart (meant figuratively) that's true but I'm not the only one who thought that she deserved it. but you know, I was still friends with her at that time so why would I talk with the guy, he and I were never friends, to begin with, and it's better that I didn't talk with him because she'll make more nasty stories.
    The guy was nice, that's true, I may have hated him for a different matter though, that's only one time regarding the play. lots of people got drag into their business. What I didn't tell you was that he was really sincere to the girl, we (our friends) all seen it, he writes her letters and does romantic kinds of stuff with her. Did it sound like I was defaming him? maybe I should use words more wisely I'm not really good at describing things. But yeah she did that and like I said, I'm an idiot, that I did say.

    We aren't friends anymore because other than this drama she did other toxic things too, like throwing shade at me in front of the class with our professor present, she's not successful though, people knew she was making things up. and yeah we could have died but I didn't because stopped accompanying her home midway through that crisis because that's when I knew that behind my back she's demonizing the good things I'm doing for her.
    I care for people around me, guess I picked that up as a habit since I grew up with a lot of kids at home, it comes naturally for me to take care of people I'm closed with, but sometimes you make mistakes too, like caring for people who have that audacity to demonized people who helped them out on certain things. So Chill, I get you.(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Helios November 16, 2020 8:35 am
    Woah thatsthat's deep. But I understand where you're coming from and you make a lot more sense than that girl. Does she have paranoia or something? You mentioned that when she disappeared and you two went looki... IceCreamCheeseCake

    I don't know, maybe she did suffer from paranoia at that time. or maybe some demonic bishes whispered shit to her then made a whole script of a movie in her head.

    Kat November 16, 2020 3:37 pm

    bless you

    StalkerGurl18 November 16, 2020 7:05 pm
    I get you chill... I didn't think it sounded that way but I didn't mean to say he was the villain. I was talking about the girl. he broke her heart (meant figuratively) that's true but I'm not the only one who ... Helios

    Okay it sounded like you were defaming him yes and that sent up my rage meter to an all time high especially since you were still defending someone who wasn't grateful for the both of you. I didn't care if you spoke to him after that or not it just irk me that it sounded like you were defaming him like he was the bad guy for dumping her.

Helios November 15, 2020 1:14 am

ooooooh they got you good bruh! hohohohohoh

Helios November 14, 2020 11:59 am

great! she can use that excuse to run away from that fucked up family and go to grand duke's arms!

that F****** B******** better die a thousand deaths in one second. just eat S*** and go die! who the F*** does that to anyone?????? for a second I thought what if you pull that strings since it's connected to his heart, would he die or have an acute death experience? seems like it's doable why don't he suffer a few times?

This kuarn thing reminds me of Reynold in "Death is the only ending for the villainess" but worse. Reynold's trashy either so means kuarn thingy is an awful lot worse.

Helios November 14, 2020 11:38 am

he's smart and not naive but he seems the type who would treasure his wife plus! he like the thought of her taking his surname despite their surprising first (twice) encounter.... *cough* in bed *cough* (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Helios November 14, 2020 9:56 am


LOL, I really feel like a godmother watching over every love birds in this manhwa.... waaaaaaas that's two generations already, I'mma cry..... (/TДT)/

Yey! let's see their grandfather and beautiful alpha werewolf's love story next. I can't breath normally with just glimpses.

Helios November 13, 2020 8:31 pm

I want the brothers to get along. they both looked sad that they needed to be happy. BUT! don't you think Venn is suspicious? his expression doesn't match what he says and although his reason for meeting black eagle during the night is justified, there are holes everywhere. especially when he said he wanted to know everything about the desert. like why? if you plan on staying there for a while you'll also get to know it from the others naturally and if he don't, why the bother asking?

Helios November 13, 2020 11:45 am

Ersden! HURRAY!(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Helios November 13, 2020 7:11 am

waaaaaaah.... that trial had a satisfying feeling. when he won the trial in the end that was amazing! heh... that jerk drowning in his own bog he created was really fulfilling! I like TV, Webtoon, Manga, Anime lawyers but I'm not fond of real-life ones. They just looked angry and what. but it makes sense though, imagine defending one nasty MFs innocence... just wow! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Helios November 12, 2020 8:25 pm

Aw I want shamu side story

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