Lacy83's experience ( All 0 )

Lacy83's answer ( All 3 )

my best friend read Killing Stalking and told me about it and gave me the link so that I could read it if I wanted to lol. and then i expanded my horizons in terms of manhwa/manga reading from there. that's pretty much it haha.   2 reply
19 03,2021
about crying
i mean there's a difference between sharing the name of the website publicly and sharing it through dms... like for example i found abt this site through a friend irl, but others can share through private means such as dms or even find it on their own through a simple google search :/ people are allowed to gatekeep the name of the website bc some p......   reply
19 03,2021
about crying
2 ... o_o   reply
17 03,2021

Lacy83's question ( All 1 )

about question
I was just curious as to how you guys mark ongoing work that you're reading, but all caught up with. (if that makes sense)

I used to keep all ongoing stuff i finished as "i'm reading" because technically i'm still reading it since its still ongoing. But now, if i'm all caught up with it, i mark them as "i've already read". I like to keep everything organized so this is something that I've been thinking about looool
14 04,2021