The war between humans and vampires ends with the victory of the vampires, as everyone expected. Aft...
- Author:
- Genres: webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
An unknown parcel arrives to Yoshio, a 30-year old NEET. The content is a game disk titled “The Vi...
- Author: Hirukuma
- Genres: Action / Adaptation / Adventure / Fantasy / Magic / Medical / Virtual reality
Aoki, a high school teacher, has motivation for little else than expending as little effort as possi...
- Author: Aga naomi,Oyoshikawa kyouko
- Genres: Yaoi / Psychological / Romance
The series centers on a man who desires to become an "adventurer" whose motto is: "I won't save the ...
- Author: KAGYUU Kumo,KUROSE Kousuke
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Harem / Horror / Seinen / Smut / Tragedy
As a result of a large war, the world was eroded by a magical infection that distorted the time and ...
- Author: Mizukami satoshi
- Genres: Adventure / Fantasy
(skills). A power humans can only receive once from god, which is used to fight against monsters. Ch...
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Lyra, a girl who attends a magical school, has a huge amount of magic but she can't use it. One...
- Author: Akagi shun
- Genres: Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / One shot / Romance
First she's hungry, then she's sleepy, but all along she's nothing if not completely useless. And ye...
- Author: kaoru maruyama
- Genres: Seinen / Action / Comedy / Historical / Mystery / Police
An ordinary office worker should have died in a traffic accident, but when he awoke he became a gobl...
- Author: Miki nazuna,Araki tsukasa
- Genres: Fantasy
In the vast expanse of space, inside a cargo compartment made of cold metal, I couldn’t help but ...
- Author: 공포의거북이
- Genres: Action / Webtoons / Adventure / Full Color
Novel: Lin Jie, a transmig...
- Author: Bilibili,万劫火,刺猬猫阅读,我梦动漫
- Genres: Chinese / Webtoons / Shounen / Action / Adaptation / Comedy / Fantasy / Full Color / Horror / Isekai / Supernatural Chinese Webtoons Action Adaptation Comedy Fantasy Full Color Horror Isekai Supernatural