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Gremlin_Lord March 1, 2025 10:56 pm

I'm about to beat the shit out of Ash's friends because WHAT THE FUCK (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I need to take a walk

Gremlin_Lord February 17, 2025 1:15 am

Barely started the chapter and I already had to go run a mile

"YoU aCT LiKE iM fORcInG yOU"


Gremlin_Lord's questions ( All 2 )

Gremlin_Lord December 22, 2024 12:50 am

I can't find this one BL if anyone can help

It was a Korean shouen ai. College setting, and kinda revolved around popularity. The MC had brown hair and kinda tan skin and the ML had pale skin and blonde hair if I remember correctly. The MC was very obsessed with looks because he was chubby as a kid. And his past came to haunt him with some girl who was going to out him with a picture of his younger self. If anyone cam help that would be greatly appreciated!! :DD

    gdtc December 22, 2024 12:54 am

    might be "who can define popularity" its one of my favess

    Gremlin_Lord December 22, 2024 12:56 am
    might be "who can define popularity" its one of my favess gdtc

    AAAA IT IS!! THANK YOU!!! I've been meaning to reread it!

Gremlin_Lord August 24, 2020 3:53 am

It was a BL and it was between a construction worker and a tv reporter who was kinda like a food critic. He would go to people's houses to see what kind of food they made and what he thought of it and he stumbled upon the construction worker's house and he loved his food the most. The construction worker was in a one sided love and gets gossiped about by his co workers because he's gay.

Please help, I'd like to read this again because it was very cute ( ̄▽ ̄)

Gremlin_Lord's favorite ( All 3 )

Photo from hbgfyhg 02-23 23:17
Who is the sexiest uke that you know? 08-05 00:42
Who is the sexiest uke that you know? 08-05 00:38

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