Pinkhair5 February 1, 2025 10:13 am

Iltak needs to get a binder but the disgusting fuck of an an author who fetishizes Young boys wouldn't give him one

    Black February 1, 2025 12:24 pm

    If you don't like it don't read obviously do like it if you keep on reading it? Hmm? I'm right aren't I
    Also accidentally liked....ment to DISLIKE it <3

    Black February 1, 2025 12:26 pm

    Lol looked at your profile and really don't preach what you

    dontlookmeup03 February 2, 2025 12:11 am
    Lol looked at your profile and really don't preach what you Black

    what does this even mean, also how does one get +2000 reading and no read haha it's impressive

    to op, I like your profile, we should actually make out or something

    Pilav February 2, 2025 12:40 am
    If you don't like it don't read obviously do like it if you keep on reading it? Hmm? I'm right aren't I (︶︿︶)=凸Also accidentally liked....ment to DISLIKE it <3 Black

    I accidentally liked their comment as well I’m so ashamed of myself, bunch of hypocrites as always complaining yet reading the very same thing they hate ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Pinkhair5 March 6, 2025 6:11 am
    Lol looked at your profile and really don't preach what you Black

    Wtf is that supposed to mean? What have I read that has pedophelia in it? I dont read this shit unless its accidental or I'm hate reading it. Like this one im hate reading. I read suicide boy and I liked it (I saw the weird fetishizing signs tho) so I wanted to see what else the author has written. I have no clue why you are defending a pedophile but I can hate read and leave hate comments if I want. And how cringy can you be "Hmm. Im right arent I?" How old are u? Go back to your mommy and complain that someones hating on your favorite pedophile

    Pinkhair5 March 6, 2025 6:33 am
    what does this even mean, also how does one get +2000 reading and no read haha it's impressiveto op, I like your profile, we should actually make out or something dontlookmeup03

    Thanks? I like your opinions and I will be using your profile as a to read list

Pinkhair5 February 1, 2025 9:35 am

The people hating piss me the fuck off. Its clear that you dont understand the character and why he's behaving like this and cant get complex characters through your thick skulls. Minguym has lots of mental problems clearly. His whole life the two plp he was the closest to betrayed him and left him and besides that he was pretty lonely as he didnt seem to be that close with anyone else. And when he was at his lowest that dude helped him and turns out he was just a replacement for a girlfriend. Ofc he was crushed and clearly living with a fucking psychopath of a dad who never cared about him and only used him, as a result mingyum is severely unstable and normal plp probably wouldn't attempt if they found out were cheated on but min gyumn didnt know what else to do he thought his life was pointless at that point. Him feeling good about helping the ml is exactly what his dad did to him, so obviously he learnt bad habits through osmosis, hes not a fucking perfect person there's a lot wrong with him and I think instead of just relying on MLS parenst he should have gone to professional help but thats the only thing this manhwa did wrong. I personally think mingyum is very bpd coded and I relate to him alot as I have it, Bpd mean borderline personality disorder that makes it really hard for plp to manage emotions, it is caused by extreme trauma that usually happened with bad relationships and a lottt of trauma, some symptoms are being incredibly impulsive (like when min gyum impulsively drank a bunch of alcohol), a strong fear of abandonment where its real or made up(which minguym clearly shows), long periods of paranoia and derealization, threats of self harm or suicide, self harm (min guym did do self harm), wide mood swings that can stay for as long as months(getting angry at ml then feeling bad and missing him). Its incredibly hard for people with bpd to live normal lives, I think 25% of all plp with bpd end up killing themselves. Ofc that doesnt mean they have to live sad lives it can be managed with therapy and with a wonderful partner who cares for you, and understands that sometime you might do things to hurt them but stays with you regardless. Another trait of plp with bpd is unstable relationships, leaving partners before they leave them bc they thought they were being left again. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT MIN GYUMG DID, yes you can hate him for that BUT IT DOENST MEAN THE MANHWA WAS BADLY WRITTEN THAT JUST MEAN HES A COMPLEX CHARECTER. I think the mental illness just being solved by love is badly written but other than that its ridiculous that these disgusting bl fetishizing women think this is a badly written manhwa, compared to the absolute bull shit they read like jinx and potn.

Pinkhair5 January 15, 2021 5:26 am

I mean he did think he was an alpha his entire life

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