U.. said it!! Right from my mind! & I have to add that this chapter didn't come up to my expectation at all! Disappointed!
Wow.. U catch on fast! I just go frm 1 page to another.. even it dosen't make sense what so ever!! Have u report the prob? Thank U for the numbers!
I agree on that!!
YES!!! I was like.... Finally U said it!! Reading this u just don't know what's comming next! But well ya.. FINALLY ♡♡♡
Thanks again :)
Where do u buy it?? Tq
Hahaa... lol!! Oooh Pls take your time & pls keep us updated as well! I Thank U sooooo much for yr hard work ♡♡
U.. said it!! Right from my mind! & I have to add that this chapter didn't come up to my expectation at all! Disappointed!