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kitschy kat January 28, 2021 12:19 pm

If so-called "fans" keep posting English translations here until chapter 60, what reason would Lezhin have to "provide an official English translation", as the petition says?

(It seems people signed that petition just for show and to feel good about themselves,
no matter how selfishly they behave.
They even compare the amount of effort to translate a chapter individually using an app
-- "oh, too much sacrifice!" --
to the amount of work to make a chapter.
They want the updates even if it's against the author's wishes...
As a follower said at Twitter: "we don't deserve" this masterpiece.)

    123 January 28, 2021 1:08 pm

    As much as I hate it, you are true

    123 January 28, 2021 1:08 pm
    As much as I hate it, you are true 123

    I'm willing to give this series up for the author's sake

    Amatiste January 28, 2021 1:09 pm

    Funny thing tho, there are lots of unlicensed works become licensed in many platform lzh, tpptoon, tps, webcmcs, wecmcs, you name it... Were fanscanlated and shared here long before they become licensed. By the time they were licensed in English, they already had international fans who are willing to buy chapters and support there, by paying or watching ads. The main purpose of fanstranslation is exactly to introduce int'l fans to these unlicensed work. I mean if u don't know that then it means you're new to here..

    I'm not justifying that this is illegal and there will always lot more readers reading from pirated site than the official platform, but a lot of fans who got hooked when reading the fanstranlation of unlicensed work will also go to length to support the author when it's officially tranlated.

    Nyctechie08 January 28, 2021 4:24 pm
    Funny thing tho, there are lots of unlicensed works become licensed in many platform lzh, tpptoon, tps, webcmcs, wecmcs, you name it... Were fanscanlated and shared here long before they become licensed. By th... Amatiste

    Exactly. By shutting it down, she is hurting herself, not helping.

kitschy kat January 28, 2021 9:24 am

If so-called "fans" keep posting English translations here until chapter 60, what reason would Lezhin have to "provide an official English translation", as the petition says?

(It seems people signed that petition just for show and to feel good about themselves,
no matter how selfishly they behave.
They even compare the amount of effort to translate a chapter individually using an app
-- "oh, too much sacrifice!" --
to the amount of work to make a chapter.
They want the updates even if it's against the author's wishes...
As a follower said at Twitter: "we don't deserve" this masterpiece.)

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