I hope you're not referring to "a well known love affair" because the top asks for consent and then you get to see the bottom is perfectly fine with everything that's going on reply
Some of my friends call me "Abu" or "Abue" because I talk and behave like a granny and I'm only 18 (≧∀≦) (Abuela is grandma in Spanish for those who don't know) reply
Well sometimes I wish to fall in love so hard that I lose my mind.. It's like I got a taste of it when I was younger but it was a virtual relationship... Now that I'm older I kind of want to try that in real life, falling in love with someone and feeling an explosion inside my heart, get the feelings of an unstable mind liking someone.
Sadly, I am...... reply
Hi, I've known many people that feel like you and my advice is to just wait, patiently until you find something you like, a reason to live.
Meanwhile just try to relax, there's nothing wrong with being or feeling slow or being scared of snow. Try to enjoy the little things idk like some food you like to eat or things that you like to see. Watch mo...... 3 reply