Apolllo's experience ( All 0 )

Apolllo's answer ( All 6 )

vqll ;)   reply
11 02,2019
about penpals
LineID: vqll   reply
28 10,2018
about penpals
Hello! My ID is vqll :)   reply
16 10,2018
about penpals
I’d love to be a part of your GC too. ID: vqll   reply
05 10,2018
I have been there and I feel you. Life isn’t easy and it doesn’t have to be well-paced or rushed. Apathy is able to make everyday activities to feel like hell and leave you with no interest in anything whatsoever. It could be scary and take a lot of willpower to get out of that particular mental place, but it’s still possible. You’ve alre......   reply
02 10,2018

Apolllo's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did news on rapists and pedos

yunnie hope u like jail there <3

11 hours
did news on rapists and pedos

ash trevino on tiktok bro, like wym you're 35, an alcoholic mother, flirting with a 20 yr old guy on live with a rose toy up your ass

16 hours
did porn and genres

homemade, it's js that the connection feels more genuine and truthful yk

16 hours