Aniyae answered question about play games
Edith Finch is a good one. Short but probably the most impactful game you'll ever play. Bonus. I finally picked up Hades and I fucking love it so there's that. Bonus again. I think wii sports and wii sports resort were top tier and still are.
Aniyae answered question about play games
As mega hater of love triangles, I have admit that there are ton of reasons why people love reading and writing love triangles. They're a good source of drama, easy conflict, interesting character dynamics (Or as interesting as the author can make them). I mean when done right they can enhance a story. It's just for me most of the time they aren't ......
Aniyae answered question about reject a love confession
Vanderwood from Mystic Messenger. I wanted a route of him SOOO BADDD.
Aniyae want to do

73 people did   /   421 want to do

It's over for the world once I gain my shapeshifting abilities.

Aniyae answered question about question
It's okay to like ships without reason. It's also okay to DISLIKE ships without reason. I can't tell you how many people feel the need to justify hating a ship and trying to make it problematic when it isn't because they can't handle the fact that other people do like that ship. People are going to see relationship dynamics in a different way and t......
Aniyae answered question about making friends on mangago
Train fights. You get trains, a banger form of transportation. And you get action. Best combination I could ever ask for.
Aniyae answered question about question
My past self so that I can correct all my shitty mistakes and set me on a more noble path.
Aniyae want to do

23 people did   /   41 want to do

but my ayato costume ripped. RIP ayato costume :'(

Aniyae answered question about question
My friend actually gave me gift on my birthday a couple of years ago, unprompted. It meant a lot because I really only get gifts from my family.
Aniyae answered question about question
It's been a while since i've seen these names lmao. Mgg never changes
Aniyae asked question about be a dumb bitch

You need lifesaving surgery but your pfp, least favorite character, and favorite (or second fave if it's the same as your pfp) character are your surgeons, are you going to survive?

Aniyae answered question about question
When mgg erases your progress on a manga and you haven't bookmarked the chapter either, so you have to do this search party to find where you left off. Yes, it's partially my fault for not reading but part of me wishes that those faded chapters stayed forever.
Aniyae answered question about go mad or crazy
The amount of dumb smut I read. I might make topics on the more interesting ones but other than that I do my best to forget the stuff I read on here. Thankfully a chunk of them are one shots so I wouldn't bookmark them anyways.
Aniyae answered question about cosplay
Ngl when I saw that during the competition I knew that so many people were going to try and sexualize it. Opened up tiktok and lo and behold. I saw a comment that said it was fucked up to sexualize it considering the history of sexual abuse within gymnastics and I would have to agree it's very icky.
Aniyae answered question about cosplay
I'm guessing I'm sending them out to fight? In that case yandere, easy.
Aniyae answered question about cosplay
I've been three times. I generally don't get when people say they smell bad because I don't encounter ANY smell when I went to them, so I figured people were just being dramatic. Either that or I'm lucky or just have a poor sense of smell.
Aniyae created a topic of My Sly Bestie

and everybody knows it lmao. Rip mana you would've loved revenge stories

Aniyae answered question about feel lonely