idk... June 13, 2016 2:22 pm

this shoujo manga and shoujo manga similar to this are the reasons why fujoshis rule this site.

idk... June 13, 2016 2:19 pm

ah fujoshi's rule on this site, I see. They are taking over. Strong sensual women, unafraid of who they are and what they like. And if someone doesn't like it, fuck em. Or, if they're a guy, write a fan fiction in which a gay vampire literally fucks him. I'm just non-fujoshi closet otaku trying to enjoy some alone time with a good manga on a site that lets me read webtoon-style. ┗( -_-; )┛idk if I should just give up on this lifestyle. It's like utah. convert, or gtfo. somebody, anybody, even if it's lies, please tell me that this is not the case.

    Nano June 14, 2016 3:41 am

    That's sad that you think so... I can't speak for others but I, myself, will read almost anything that catches my eyes; yaoi, yuri, harem/reverse-harem (if it has a good plot), etc. as long as it's interesting. So don't lose hope, not every fujoshi is as closed-minded as others.

    Torifaye June 16, 2016 1:42 am

    Or you could just not care. There's that too. Yaoi and yuri isn't as popular as you think. Go on mangahere or batoto or somewhere else if you want a place where you're in the majority.

    idk... June 17, 2016 12:06 pm

    EVERYBODY before yall go fucking APE SHIT on my ass, I'm just kidding. Only half-kidding though. I just laugh for every comment on, like, anything that isn't yaoi. And there are a lot. like a LOT. And I like some yaoi...but a lot of the yaoi I like is yaoi where the uke thought he was straight, but some dude comes in and flexes on him, so he tries to beat him down and ends up beating him off; but I digress. I actually think more guy on guy action in this manga would make this a WHOLE LOT sexier. I usually go for girl on girl...but that would be kind of pointless here.

    Torifaye June 18, 2016 7:25 am

    Lol sorry if I sounded agressive lol
    I prefer yaoi with more story. Saezaru, canis, itoshi no nekkoke, etc.

    chic June 23, 2016 1:25 am

    If you go to mangahere or mangafox you can be one of the majority and go batting ape shit the yaoi fans there. Let's be real. Here is the 'safe' haven for yaoi fans. Meanwhile, over there, the yaoi fans got lynched and spat like garbage rats.

    idk... August 1, 2016 9:44 am
    If you go to mangahere or mangafox you can be one of the majority and go batting ape shit the yaoi fans there. Let's be real. Here is the 'safe' haven for yaoi fans. Meanwhile, over there, the yaoi fans got lyn... chic

    Oh they got lynched, did they? Do you understand just how offended I could be right now? They hung a yaoi fan from a tree unjustly because they were a yaoi fan? They were wrongfully accused of rape and murder? Fucking throwing that word at an american as a hyperbole. That's a real shitty thing to do. Sure I was being immature in writing the original comment, but at least I didn't throw your country's past problems with race in your face while your country was on the precipice of an all-out race war.

    chic August 1, 2016 11:32 am

    Err... I didn't mean to offend your nation, history and race whatsoever. I learnt that word from a game called Town of Salem. I never want and never meant to mess around with race. There has been a race genocide in Indonesia on 1998. I have experienced the end of the stick at that time. So I apologize sincerely.

    I still stand on my statement that in mangahere and mangafox, let's say there are more verbal abuses/insults towards yaoi fan there. This site and myreadingmanga, on the other hand, are more yaoi fan-friendly sites.

    Peace and I will let myself out.

idk... June 10, 2016 9:29 am

I shit on yaoi ALL the time, but I really miss it right now...let's face it, girls reading gay porn is a lot less weird than girls reading whatever the hell this is. At least I can come around to yaoi.

    ITS NOT MEH! June 15, 2016 3:20 pm

    lol im curious of why you thought of that here... and you shit on yaoi? you dont like it?

    idk... June 17, 2016 12:16 pm
    lol im curious of why you thought of that here... and you shit on yaoi? you dont like it? @ITS NOT MEH!

    I'm glad you asked. I like yaoi, but I don't like most people(fangirls ages 11-15) I meet that are super into it so I point out how awful some of them can be (which honestly isn't fair because every genre has it's duds), just to make some of them mad. So I saw this manga on the doujinshi thing and was like "hey, a masculine guy! This looks hot!" and then fucking BAM BANG BOOM there's a fucking HAIRY MAN PUSSY on my screen. like, WTF IS THIS EVEN? IDEFKWTF THIS IS? FURRY DUDE TWAT! it's like looking at the anatomical vagina of a transgender man. like, it wasn't ever supposed to be a thing. but leave it to some PERVED OUT fucking WEIRDO to market it to women. but that's just my opinion.

    supergenius56 July 22, 2016 2:36 am
    I'm glad you asked. I like yaoi, but I don't like most people(fangirls ages 11-15) I meet that are super into it so I point out how awful some of them can be (which honestly isn't fair because every genre has i... idk...

    what's wrong with transgender men? I don't see the big deal. :/

    idk... August 1, 2016 9:28 am
    what's wrong with transgender men? I don't see the big deal. :/ supergenius56

    Don't read that bullshit into my words--all I meant is that it's disgusting to see a vagina on someone who doesn't want a vagina and therefore never takes care of it. If a transgender man had another man diddle his unwanted hairy pussy, I'd still feel like throwing up. That image comes with a hypothetical smell and it makes me want to kill myself.

    mhmm August 1, 2016 12:15 pm
    Don't read that bullshit into my words--all I meant is that it's disgusting to see a vagina on someone who doesn't want a vagina and therefore never takes care of it. If a transgender man had another man diddle... idk...

    lol wtf? such passion. such salt.

    idk... August 2, 2016 4:58 am
    lol wtf? such passion. such salt. mhmm

    This isn't tumblr, you're not as funny as you think you are, and I may be salty but at least I'll never be as dry as you and your pussy. I hope you had fun heckling someone on a manga reading site because your everyday life is just that dull, enjoy your shit life of ironic memes and perpetual virginity, you piece of shit.

    mhmm August 2, 2016 9:54 am
    This isn't tumblr, you're not as funny as you think you are, and I may be salty but at least I'll never be as dry as you and your pussy. I hope you had fun heckling someone on a manga reading site because your ... idk...

    don't get triggered on me now ;). you're starting to sound more tumblr kid than i am even though probably neither of us have tumblr. maybe you didn't get enough hugs as a kid. it would be cool if i had a vagina and hadn't lost my virginity at like 12. don't use to much salt it's very drying.

    mhmm August 2, 2016 9:54 am
    don't get triggered on me now ;). you're starting to sound more tumblr kid than i am even though probably neither of us have tumblr. maybe you didn't get enough hugs as a kid. it would be cool if i had a vagina... mhmm


idk... June 7, 2016 6:48 am

It was everything I ever wanted. EXCEPT all the loose ends. romance-wise I give it a 3/10 but over all it was definitely a 10/10 <3

idk... May 21, 2016 2:33 am

So, I'll be as honest and respectful as possible. What you do with your life is on you. If you want to marry a man with multiple wives, then go for it. I don't understand it. I cringe at the thought of it. But you aren't me. The only reason I'm even writing this is because I want to try to understand, because I love the art and the character development seems really good, but the most off-putting thing is the whole part where he wants three or more wives to be faithful to him even though it's clear that he is not going to ever in a million years be faithful to any of them. In chapter eight, he says "just thinking about koharu becoming my personal property sends me aquiver" and I stopped. Because you don't say that to people unless you return the favor of becoming their property, and even then it still seems like an unhealthy relationship. I don't want to judge. I'm not a jealous person, I just feel like monogamy is either all in or all out. You either date one person exclusively or date many people with no intention of being faithful or expecting faithfulness. Please explain. Will I ever get it? Can I ever continue reading? do his wives ever make out??? No seriously, can they do that??

    Digitalpixie May 22, 2016 12:38 am

    If its bothering you as early as chapter 8 when the story has barely even begun you probably wont like the rest of the manga. The unhealthy dynamic, uncertainty, & jealously is the main source of conflict in the story and its what kickstarted the current arc (chapter 83). As for Ryu..he's just a weird guy. He lessens up on the weirdness when Koharu opens up to him more. He's still weird tho. :p

    ShonaNingyo May 22, 2016 3:28 am

    If you don't understand, then don't read it.

    I personally love the idea of a polyamorous relationship. It's like being bisexual. You have the capability of loving multiple people (in bisexuality's case, boys or girls) but that doesn't mean you'll shag anyone and everyone you meet.

    He is faithful to them. And they are in turn faithful to him. I mean, if you can't understand it, then stop reading and go away. Stop raining on my parade #-.-)

    Dr. Scientist May 29, 2016 8:19 pm

    People cringe at yaoi, furries, BDSM, cuckolding, and any other fetish that doesn't appeal to them. Food, books, politics, whatever you're into, I can guarantee there's at least one person out there who would find it cringeworthy. But you want to understand, you want to jump down that rabbit hole. Okay.

    First, you are operating under a faulty assumption. A relationship isn't fair just because it's 1:1, tit for tat. What makes it fair is consent.

    Put your logic to the test. Is it fair to be tied up and whipped just because the other person will let you do it to them, too? What's missing?


    Now, do you think a hard masochist wants to be the sadist, or a sadist wants to be the masochist? Even though they both consented to those different roles and are happy, is it still somehow unfair if it isn't exactly equivalent?

    If you have a sporting match and consent to a handicap, is it okay to dismiss your loss because it was 'unfair'?

    I'm not talking about the "gotcha!" kind of misrepresentations to circumvent informed consent, like a devil's contract. I mean full, honest understanding of what you are agreeing to, without coercion or deceit. Koharu knew exactly what she was marrying into. If she ever finds she hates it and can't handle it anymore, she is free to leave and file divorce. On the other hand, if she accepts it and then tries to force a change, like demanding Ryu divorce his other wives, would that be fair?

    Equality is idealistic, but lacks reality. Because we are all different. Just ask yourself: What is equal about only the woman getting pregnant? 1:1 doesn't exist outside of pure math, even on such a basic relationship level. We can do rough rounding to try balancing the imaginary numbers, but if you're busy keeping score in a relationship then you aren't participating.

    idk... May 30, 2016 6:23 pm
    If you don't understand, then don't read it.I personally love the idea of a polyamorous relationship. It's like being bisexual. You have the capability of loving multiple people (in bisexuality's case, boys or ... ShonaNingyo

    first of all, this is NOTHING like bisexuality. I'm bisexual, and I know what I'm talking about. Second, I'm completely fine with polyamory, it's polygamy that I have a problem with. and third, if you didn't want to answer, then don't answer. I didn't hold a gun to your head.

    idk... May 30, 2016 6:28 pm
    People cringe at yaoi, furries, BDSM, cuckolding, and any other fetish that doesn't appeal to them. Food, books, politics, whatever you're into, I can guarantee there's at least one person out there who would f... @Dr. Scientist

    you make a good point. very eye opening.

    idk... May 30, 2016 6:29 pm
    If its bothering you as early as chapter 8 when the story has barely even begun you probably wont like the rest of the manga. The unhealthy dynamic, uncertainty, & jealously is the main source of conflict i... Digitalpixie

    good to know. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be more open-minded and come back to see how the story played out.

    Digitalpixie May 30, 2016 10:03 pm
    good to know. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be more open-minded and come back to see how the story played out. idk...

    Well there is a chance it could turn out how you'd like (Ryu chooses one wife). Currently in the raws the marriage is rather..rocky and one of the wives has a serious problem with how Ryu is handling things.

idk... May 20, 2016 7:53 pm


    yung_medusa May 21, 2016 3:58 am


    crazy fangirl May 28, 2016 5:32 am

    I did not mean to press dislike I'm so sory

    Cocoda May 29, 2016 12:40 pm
    I did not mean to press dislike I'm so sory crazy fangirl

    Yeah don't you hate that XP especially when you tried to dislike the dislike by madly pressing the button but then ending up apologising the person as of you have done something horrible.

idk... May 20, 2016 7:36 pm

all kinds of right going on in this manga *licks lips*ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

idk... May 20, 2016 4:34 am

only read if tina from bob's burgers is your spirit animal. Because, otherwise, you will cringe in the worst way possible.

idk... May 1, 2016 8:38 am

I can't hate the red head. I just can't. She's insane, she's awful, she's about to murder my favorite character, and I can't hate her. what a mess.

    Ailila100 May 2, 2016 2:40 am

    I think the same as you, Tha girl is stupid because he doesn't care about her and he wants to kill her. And I think he's falling in love with his wife

    ⋆⭐Bitches Be Crazay⭐⋆ May 9, 2016 6:33 am

    I don't really care about the characters that much tbh. I'm just going with the flow of this story.
    Funny thing though, I actually think the red hair girl is pretty- I like long ponytails? but she's a bit nuts(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Anonymous May 10, 2016 5:19 am

    Same. The crazier they are, the more interesting the character, so you really can't help but like them in a twisted way.

idk... April 28, 2016 3:52 pm

This is the most aggravating and unpleasant manhwa ever. I read about murders and look up manga about childhood abuse for entertainment, and this fucking thing made me squirm with discomfort mainly because she lived the shittiest life imaginable and it's like the author refused to acknowledge that it should've had some serious deffects on her personality. Her parents expect her to pay back the family debt, like it's somehow her fault that her fuckwit of a father tanked his business, and even has the nerve to slap her in the face and tell her she has to be some twat's bitch for the rest of her childhood and adolescence when the only reason she hasn't run away is because her fucking family is indebted to them and her parents treat her like shit. The twat she's a bitch for is a sociopath that can somehow fall in love with the main character's love interest, in spite of obvious boarder-line homosexual sadist fetishism for the main character. I understand that she's supposed to have a shitty life, but it's impossible to be the character that she is and have that kind of a life without her having some kind of mental retardation. And if she does, it makes it all the more aggravating. Her only outlet is that she can kick ass, but she only kicks the asses of those who deserve it? Nu-uh. No, people with terrible childhoods have damaged psyches. She would've been a bully. The most cringe-worthy part of all is that this is a shoujo manga. In psychology, it's well-known that your childhood affects the kind of partners you pick. There's no way in hell this cinderella would ever get the prince charming who treats her nice. She wouldn't have had the self esteem for it.

    Apple Pie May 9, 2016 7:58 pm

    First of all, it's manhwa not reality. Secondly, she doesn't actually have the shittiest childhood imaginable. There is no rape or molestation. Thirdly, not everyone responds to abuse the same way. My mother came from a truly horrible background and manage to land my father who was like an absolute prince. My mother always had a great sense of self worth, even if she doesn't always have the best self esteem. She was able to drag herself out of a deep pit of abuse, ignorance and poverty. And my parents gave us a great life, Not everyone reacts to things the way you may expect. Choi Ida not a real person but she's a strong character. The world could always use a few more strong women roles. Besides she shouldn't have to earn his love with confidence.

    narutolvr May 10, 2016 5:51 am

    Nah, that's why Ida turned out the way she did; going around picking fights with random people under a pseudonym. Think of it as like a precursor/less sever form of something like MPD, and it seems like a perfectly reasonable outcome. Like the person above said, not everyone responds to pressure the same way.

    And the MC didn't seem to have particularly low self-esteem either; rather, she was just going along with everything for the sake of her parents. Even if she did, it's not like you can't develop a better sense of self-worth. Plus some people (even prince charmings) aren't necessarily looking for partners with high self-esteem. So although HMR's manhwa are a bit fanciful, it's nothing so far fetched we couldn't imagine it.

    idk... May 12, 2016 11:48 am
    First of all, it's manhwa not reality. Secondly, she doesn't actually have the shittiest childhood imaginable. There is no rape or molestation. Thirdly, not everyone responds to abuse the same way. My mother ca... @Apple Pie

    you just used the argument that it's a manhwa and not reality and then went on to explain how a real person could get over their shit lives without a mental toll. Hypocrisy, much? I don't know your mom, why would you use her as an example? It's impossible to be mentally stable in situations like choi ida's. It's just shit story-telling, man. It's unrealistic "realistic" fiction. sure, she wasn't raped, but rape isn't the only type of abuse to leave a mental scar. I mean, she's basically a slave to that girl. Obviously that merits a toll on mental health, especially years of it. The fact that she is mentally stable is unrealistic and boarder line offensive. That's not strength. It's just neglecting an aspect of the story. It really got to me. I couldn't read the entire thing because it was bumming me out every time I read it.

    idk... May 12, 2016 12:06 pm
    Nah, that's why Ida turned out the way she did; going around picking fights with random people under a pseudonym. Think of it as like a precursor/less sever form of something like MPD, and it seems like a perfe... narutolvr

    Of course not everyone responds to pressure the same way, but everyone responds equally to the degree of the pressure somehow. My problem with it is that she seemed almost unresponsive to the fact that she was a slave to an abusive sociopath cunt and shitty parents. Think about it like this, if that bitch beat her bloody, what would her parents do about it? Fucking nothing. She'd have to take the beating. With no intention of escaping, even if she beat her every day. You're telling me that those piece of shit cock sucker assholes that call themselves her parents are worthy of her devotion to the family debt, of course they aren't! No, they hit her when she comes home late in spite of the fact she works just as hard, if not harder for that family than either of them. It was too frustrating for me. I might have been okay if they played up the drama that came with all that, but they act like that's a fucking normal response. Now, her fighting on the streets was the only reason I even got as far as I did. But she didn't do it nearly enough to keep me interested. Even worse, it was a shoujo with worthless bishounen characters taking the focus of the story away from the most interesting part. All in all, I guess I should've known better than to pick a shoujo manhwa. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    narutolvr May 12, 2016 2:50 pm
    Of course not everyone responds to pressure the same way, but everyone responds equally to the degree of the pressure somehow. My problem with it is that she seemed almost unresponsive to the fact that she was ... idk...

    Now, I'm not gonna disagree with you on the sorta bland storyline lol. And I also expected her to fight more often than she did, but HMR/HYR stories tend to be like that I guess. Any kind of interesting plot point gets thrown to the side for boring romances. And the parents are always awful for some reason...

    idk... May 18, 2016 1:12 pm

    ah, hell. I'm sorry everyone. I just hate to see such a perfectly dark circumstances wasted on a light and happy story. I wanted to see her become twisted and psychologically damaged, make wretched decisions, and ruin herself beyond any kind of redemption. Like, maybe she joined a real gang and got involved with drugs and corrupt local politics, befriends a prostitute who falls in love with her because she thinks she's a boy, killed a guy who ruined the family business near the end, goes off the rail for the big finale and kills the bitch who made her life a living hell in a murder-suicide.

    narutolvr May 19, 2016 12:26 am
    ah, hell. I'm sorry everyone. I just hate to see such a perfectly dark circumstances wasted on a light and happy story. I wanted to see her become twisted and psychologically damaged, make wretched decisions, a... idk...

    Now that, I would enjoy lol. Speaking of those sorts of stories, have you ever read Banana Fish? It's got that perfect darkness you desire but in a kinda shoujo/shounen (hard to place a genre since it doesn't feel exactly like the darker mangas, but is way more compelling than the typical lighthearted stuff) package.

    idk... May 19, 2016 8:39 pm
    Now that, I would enjoy lol. Speaking of those sorts of stories, have you ever read Banana Fish? It's got that perfect darkness you desire but in a kinda shoujo/shounen (hard to place a genre since it doesn't f... narutolvr

    nah, I usually skip right over manga tagged with shoujo when I'm in the mood for a deep storyline, although lolipop or a bullet was really was more of a shoujo-ai than a shoujo though.

    narutolvr May 20, 2016 1:39 am
    nah, I usually skip right over manga tagged with shoujo when I'm in the mood for a deep storyline, although lolipop or a bullet was really was more of a shoujo-ai than a shoujo though. idk...

    Yeah, but I really recommend it. It's more shounen ai than shounen. But I'll have to check out those two you just suggested!

    idk... May 20, 2016 4:16 am
    Yeah, but I really recommend it. It's more shounen ai than shounen. But I'll have to check out those two you just suggested! narutolvr

    huh...shounen ai...I'll check it out when I'm in the mood for yaoi. I'm a fangirl for all genres, but BL know, you just have to be in the right mindset when you approach it, otherwise the amount of girl-targetted moe throws you off. I'll check it out for sure! Thanks for the recommendation!

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