When I first started reading it ...I just so freaking wanted to know how it'll end!!! In the midway through I was so frustrated...cause just u know!!!! I guess both of them were psychos??? They were both so obsessed with each other..so in a way yeah...u guys deserve each other!!! But if I ever meet someone10% like that...I can bet my ass that I'll run faster than you run, when Ur mom catches u watching this shit!!!! Now I'll leave!!!
U finished the entire story in one go ..but was bummed that I couldn't readthelast two...so I searched for the raws...and here's the link
At first I wanted Yeonduk to be clever like a fox..and make Skyler feel how he felt...but later I wanted Yeonduk to start afresh and just forget about Skyler ..even in the mid of season 2 I didn't want them to be together cause I just wanted Yeonduk to stop feeling pain from the nightmare...it wasn't until the end that I finally felt like okay Sky you win take your Young duck!! Honestly it was a rollercoaster ride...and I liked season 1 more...but all and all it was a good read...
So don't contemplate whether to read or not and just go for it!!!
The last episode made my freakkkkkkkkkkinnnnnggg heart melt!!!!!!