I read this cause I like the found family trope but there’s jus so much wrong with it omg how da hell does this have such a high rating okay first the plot you can just tell the author wanted to get this over with oml second why’d the FL only forgive some people like her hatred for Blake was so unjustified when her cousin/HUSBAND which we’ll get into later did the same shit like girl NOBODY saved you okay third yk it’s bad when I feel bad for the villain like she literally did the same thing that was done to her but lowk worse dila was also a little girl who was being manipulated but she treated her like a monster jus bcs she wasn’t human even she had a human soul likeee anyway fourth and my last reason why this was ass Is I hate hate hate when the two love interest start off RELATEDD like hello u were just calling him cousin 10 chapters ago thas nastyyyyyy but yeah would not recommend ts started off kinda cute tho def wish the characters would’ve been shown better like I was really interested in the red head guy n his family but noppppe ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Shoulda let ts marinate I need moreee