So this is a pretty big cliche but i remember in this manga the guy is like in this group of rich friends or something and they are bored so they bet that the leader cant make this girl fall for him and he asks her out and she says yes. But shes super aggressive and cool so he falls for her and it turns out she used him to get back at her ex in the end (not in like an evil way just kind of why she decided to say yes to him) I think theres a scene in the snow or a waterfountain idk im grasping at straws. I remember it was really funny and the girl was super great so I really want to find it again.

I'm a 17yr old Asian-American girl and I'm really set on getting a buzz cut (not super short but like half an inch all around maybe). I have a pixie cut already so it's not a super drastic change. When I told my mum she was super against it, but technically if I did it she wouldn't be able to do anything about it (I have an electric razor and everything). Like I guess she could burn my stuff when I'm at school, but idk. I'm currently a senior in high school and applying to art schools which are super liberal so it's not gonna hurt me (unless my mum gets super mad and says I can't apply bc of my hair but that's not likely). I'm just tired of always being obedient. Do you think a mom would really be upset forever if I cut my hair?
Should I just get the haircut and let my mom get over it or should I not because I'm afraid she'll go ballistic? I just want to live my life man.

She won't go ballistic. If she's a really understanding mom i believe she'll learn to love and accept it. I dont think you should do it behind her back, however, cuz that'll just lower her trust in you . Definitely, talk to her about it and sit her down and tell her why you want it and why itllbe important to you, and let me know what happens!!! good luck !!! i bet you'll look super hot in that haircut <3333

I tried talking to her and giving her my reasons patiently while addressing the concerns she had, but she just kind of tried to do an end all to the conversation saying "you can do what you want when you're independent and have a job and you I'm your mom so end of discussion" which I feel is unfair because I'm not asking her to pay for anything I'm just trying to get her to accept looking at a me with shorter hair. I won't call quits and I feel like I'm either gonna do it with or without her approval but if I can want to know how to open up discussion again so I can actually get her consent?
I’m an assigned female at birth (AFAB) bisexual non-binary person. I wear a lot of bodycon type stuff so I tend to pass as femme even though I keep my hair really short. Men approach me but men will approach anything that resembles a “woman” I want to start dating women and other nb people but would I be found attractive? I’m a short Asian muscular bottom with short hair and shaved eyebrows and a cute face. I like wearing miniskirts and tight dresses. Is that a thing? Are people into muscular enby bottoms?
yeah. muscular enby bottoms r awesome
Yuh. muscular enby bottoms r hella cool
I ADORE enbys with short hair I'm a genderfluid bisexual switch , but i have a feminine face so i'm insecure about passing as a boy but i like the way i look when i dress masculine. I have soft-girl aesthetic clothes I love to wear as well. In conclusion yes, people are into muscular emby bottoms.
Oh my gosh everyone in the replies is so sweet thank you! I was having an nb crisis cuz I was like who would ever like a visually mismatched person like me but y’all came in clutch