I wander how this story will evolve.. Especially how it will come to that Akitora will avoid Rogi at all costs in the future.
What if Rogi kills Ane-san? Or somehow will cause her death, story is called "jealousy" after all.
Idk, this story is so confusing - I can't understand Akitora at all, Rogi is lovable but he is a total psycho. The one i love is Ane-san, but maaaan i'm sooo angry for her
So, mixed feelings about the whole story so far.
I wonder what happened between Rogi and Akitora that in the future Rogi will do such horrible things to Akitora's son? Will it be revenge or smth? So curious.
And I hope Rogi will settle up with Hachi and finally be happy T_T These last two chapters were too painful for my heart T_T
Perhaps it has smth to do with Akitora's wife's death? I mean It's Rogi after all I think he's capeable of it and a sever nut case.
Ahhh, Izumi is so manly in the latest chapters And I just love every character in this manga, they are like a big perfect family :3