I’ll redo this chapter once the Spanish translation is posted. Here’s my attempt at translating the Korean version to English using many, many translation apps
달은 뜨고지고 시간은 유수와도 같이 흘러
The moon rises and time flows like water
어느덧 완연 한 가을. 은설은 혼례를 앞두고있다.
Autumn is in full swing. Eunseol is getting married.
Min Hong
마님, 보시 지요.
Madam, let's see.
점취 공예로 만든 장신구입니다.
It is an ornament made from divination craft.
이 오묘한 푸른 색조가 마님의 눈과 어우러 질 것이라고 주인님 께서 특별히 주문하신 것입니다.
It was specially ordered by the master that this subtle blue hue would harmonize with the eyes of the lady.
점 취요?
Take a point?
Min Hong
푸른 색으로 점을 찍는다는 뜻 이지요. 물총새의 깃털을 한 깃 한 깃 금박에 붙여 만드는 것이 랍니다.
It means to put the dots in blue. It is made by attaching the feathers of a kingfisher to gold leaf on each feather.
푸른 물총새는 매우 진귀 해 조공으로 들여옵니다.
Blue kingfishers are very rare and bring them in as tribute.
새의 깃털 이라구요?
Bird feathers?
Min Hong
네, 푸른 깃털을 가진 아주 작은 새 랍니다.
Yes, it is a very small bird with blue feathers.
보시어요, 각도에 따라 광택과 색감이 미묘하게 달라 지지요?
See, the gloss and color are subtly different depending on the angle?
이 빛깔은 쉬이 변치도, 바래지도 않습니다.
This color does not change or fade easily.
후일 마님 께서 어여쁜 따님을 생산하신다면, 따님 께서 시집 가실 때 물려 주셔도 된답니다.
If your daughter produces a beautiful daughter in the future, you can pass it on when your daughter is married.
따님의 따님께도 대를 이어 물려 주실 수있는., 가보가 될 보물입니다.
It can be passed down from generation to generation to your daughter's daughter. It is a treasure that will become a heirloom.
이것은 잠, 관을 고정 해 흐트러지지 않게합니다.
This locks the tube and prevents it from being disturbed.
이것은 채. 꽃이가 두 가닥 이지요.
This is the same. There are two flowers.
이 잠과 채에 보요 를 늘어 트립니다.
It sleeps and hangs the boyo in the middle.
**보요 : 머리 나 화관에 꽂는 것으로 걸을 때마다 흔들려 떨리는 장식품
Boyo: An ornament that shakes every time you walk by putting it on your head
[maybe this??? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binyeo]
점취와 산호, 금으로 엮인 보요는 가시는 걸음 걸음 나붓이 흔들리며 반짝일 것입니다. 혼례복은 유군 위에 홍색 심의를 걸치고 비단 피백을 두르며
Boyo, woven with divination, coral, and gold, will sparkle with its swaying steps. The wedding suit is wearing red deliberation over the military,
신랑 집에 갈 때까지 얼굴을 보이면 안되기에 붉은 천을 쓰셔야합니다.
You must wear red cloth because you cannot show your face until you go to the groom's house.
The shoes...
신발은, 신랑이 신 붓집에서 붉은 신을 찾아내어 신부에게 신겨 주어야합니다.
For the shoes, the groom must find the red shoes in the shoe brush and put them on the bride.
붉은 신을 신고 나서야 신랑이 신부를 데려 갈 수 있습니다.
It is only after wearing red shoes that the groom can take the bride.
신부는 제 발로 땅을 밟으면 안 됩니다.
The bride should not step on the ground with her own feet.
그럼 어떻게....
Then how....
가마까지 제게 안겨 가셔야지요.
You have to bring me to the kiln.
신부를 데리고 돌아갈 때는 왔던 길로 돌아가지 않으며, 길한 곳을 한 바퀴 돌아 우회하여 간다.
When you take the bride back, you do not go back the way you came; you take a detour around the road.
신랑 집에 도착하면 서로 맞절하는 교배
When they arrive at the groom's house, they meet each other.
함께 음식을 먹는 동뢰
and eat together.
표주박 잔으로 술을 마시는 합근 (슴졸) 의식을 행한다.
Hap-geun ritual of drinking alcohol with a gourd glass is performed.
[Hap-geun: https://linguasia.com/culture/korean-wedding-traditions/]
이것이 신랑과 신부가 대면하여 인사하는 상견례 로 성혼의 마지막 절차이다.
This is the final procedure of marriage as a meeting where the bride and groom greet each other face to face.
그리고 성혼 후 첫날밤.
And the first night after marriage.
처음도 아닌데, 왜이다지도 긴장이 될까.
It's not the first time, but why is it nervous?
주씨 할아버지가이 모습을 보셨다면 어여쁘다 말씀 해주셨 을까?
If Grandfather had seen this, would he have said how pretty it is?
어여 쁩니다.
That's nice.
저 눈빛. 저 눈빛 앞에서 항상 숨을 멈추게된다. 절명의 순간에 나를 구해준 사람.
Those eyes. I always hold my breath in front of those eyes. The person who saved me in the moment of death.
한때는 이 손에 죽을 수도 있겠구나 생각했었는데.
At one time, I thought I could die with this hand.
오늘 밤 나는 고의 신부가 된다.
Tonight I become a willing bride.
떠시는군요 .. 처음 만났을 때처럼….
You're leaving... like when we first met .
Are you cold?
저는 외려 더운 기운이 가시질 않는데.
I am lonely and the heat does not go away.
Oh... .
Can you feel it?
비로소 그대를 신부로 맞이하게 되니 가슴이 벅찹니다. 푸른 점취 장신구가 참 잘 어울리십니다.
My heart is overwhelmed when I finally meet you as a bride. The blue ornaments go well together
하지만 이런 것이 없더라도, 그대는 어여쁘십니다.
But even if there is no such thing, you are pretty.
Oh... !
Ah… !
아, 해운 님.…! 아.… !!
Ah, Haeun-sama... ! Ah.… !!
Ahhh… !
If I have time I’ll definitely consider it. Right now I’m working on chapter 23 (season 2 chapter 4) and rewriting chapter 22 using the Spanish translation. As I’m working on 22, I did notice differences between the Spanish and Korean translation. Plots the same, but the style of writing, choice of words and how things are phrased is slightly different. The Spanish translation group simplified things a lot. They also changed some of the wording so it wasn’t as period orientated (if that makes sense). Going from Korean to English is really hard (things don’t translate as smoothly), but the choices that the Spanish translation group did make made things easier for me to translate it to English.
Just thought I’d share this info with everyone from the fb group that did the Korean to Spanish translation (that I then used to create a Spanish to English translation of ch 12-23).
Nota: No tenemos sinopsis de la segunda temporada por lo que les dejamos la de la primera...
Note: We do not have a synopsis of the second season so we leave you the one of the first...
They categorized chapter 19-23 as a second season, not extras or side stories. Maybe there will be a third season? Merely speculating. Fingers crossed
Can u upload them?!
I did a rough translation (ch 12-22) that I then shared on this platform. It was only the text (a running transcript). You can scroll back looking at previous posts I created here or click on my username and look at posts that I have created. It has the Spanish translation followed by the English text so everyone can following along. Currently redoing ch 22 since I had used the Korean translation instead and finishing ch 23.