It’s really hard to find good sex scenes in BL comics, especially if said scenes have to be more “mature” (I don’t know if you get what I’m trying to say) like written for adults.
But this comic has surely very good r-rated scenes, they’re so detailed and they explore more positions than the usual missionary
I think I could rate it 10/10 if there will be rimming in the next volume

Hi guys, I’m not an English speaking person and I was just wondering what does “Bluebeard’s cat” in chapter 7 means
Is it a reference to something? Just wondering…

From a quick google search I understand Bluebeard's Tale is a fairy tale about an odd man with a grim secret: he murders his wives and keeps their bodies in a locked room. His newest wife discovers his secret, but manages to escape the fate of the previous women with her brothers' help, who kill Bluebeard. It's a cautionary tale centered around the "curiosity killed the cat" saying. It has many retellings and variations, one of which replaces the wives with cats.
But in this manhwa idk what the translation really meant... Bluebeard's Tale is a grim story, regardless of which retelling or variation you're reading and it's also based on a real french criminal so it gets even worse. I see it's been analysed in different essays and in general, I'd say it's a story about secrets, abuse, curiosity and agency. So maybe we could compare Bluebeard to Jooyung (because he's abusive and controlling of his partner and hides his dark side from the world) and Yegyum to the wife/curious cat (Jooin already calls him "Mittens", has a toxic relationship with Jooyung and is curious to see what his life would be like with Jooin). But it could be a reach and Jooin didn't mean anything this deep :))))
Point it, he was saying that he didn't want to pressure Yegyum into talking about himself. And joked that he had secrets. Bluebeard is a man with secrets, Yegyum is generally presented as a pet and Jooin compares him to a cat, hence he's "Bluebeard's secretive cat", a pet reassembling it's owner.

Your comment got me down a rabbit hole at 3am, because when I read the manhwa I just brushed over Jooin's reply and going back to reread it got me wondering too :))) and it frustrated me that, as you said, there were no pets mentioned in the original so I skimmed through all the searches on the first pages of google and tried to make sense of it all, relating it to the manhwa :))) now I'll prolly do a bit more research on the topic, 'cause I really didn't expect to come across fairy tale retellings of true crime and it's interesting
So thank you too, because your comment prompted me to learn about somehting new xD

Is this a triangle or what?

Lmao its fine. I meant they're passing the bottom around like a game of hot potatoes (people pass around a bag pretending it's a steaming hot potato til the music stops) then changed my mind cuz its not like the tops intentionally pass him around but more like they're playing tug of war (a game where people pull on opposite ends of the rope until the opposite team is dragged to the center line) with the bottom being the rope.
So basically, not a love triangle but more like some guys fighting on who gets the bottom lol. But they did have a 3some. At the ending the bottom was stuck with white hair dude and on the side stories black hair stole him, seems like white hair is stealing him back tho

I met someone like this woman and it was so freaking tiring to be near them
She was demanding like this and had a really strong personality while I’m a pretty shy girl and I don’t stand out that much
I actually envy people like these because they have such a strong personality and they always end up to have a really bright future while I struggle to be seen by others

I can relate to what Apollo felt when he saw Phi having an orgy for personal reasons
I know it’s harsh to say that I hope Phi quits his job if he ever ends up with the top, but I can’t help feeling this way
Rationally it would be more mature to agree on Phi keeping his job and Apollo having an open relationship with him
I’m way too monogamous for this Lmao

I, on the other hand, don't think this is a good idea, especially after seeing the latest chapters.
Phi has been having problems lately. In the most recent chapters, he kind of realized he has feelings for Apollo and now can't sleep with clients. In the last chapter I saw published (ch19), he was called to sleep with some important people (clients he couldn't refuse); however, in the end, he couldn't do it, which caused an uproar at the hotel. He can no longer do his job as before.
Honestly, I think this is very romantic because the same is happening with Apollo. Neither of them can be with other people.
Also, can we have more chaps about Koma? I love him