Chapter 7 will always be my favourite! I tried to find the artist on X to ask them if they will ever make something about them again, they have so much potential! Sadly they don’t use X anymore, I hope they’re okay
I think it’s ongoing not completely sure though. They released a hard copy of the book volume 11 this year in January. AoiArashi
really??? I didn’t know that! In my country the published the 9th volume but after that nothing At this point I believe it has been dropped by the publishers in my country
really??? I didn’t know that! In my country the published the 9th volume but after that nothing At this point I believe it has been dropped by the publishers in my country everyday_means_everyday
I made a mistake in the earlier reply but it isn’t a hard copy. It’s on kindle, google play, and the such. The physical copies go up to volume 10 from what I see at least.
I love it, I love the consent and the bottom that actually wants the top.
BTW, do you guys remember the date of when it will be officially translated in English?