Cringe addict created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

Kang jun my beloved son!!!!

Cringe addict created a topic of Sugar Trap

Kill me when they finally fuck

Cringe addict created a topic of Acanthus
Cringe addict created a topic of On To You

Everyone should stay away from that freak (cameron)

I hate that green hair fr everytime he's in panel i always skip it

Cringe addict created a topic of My Wicked Sunbae
Cringe addict created a topic of A Sunny Night Walk

Omg this works left me speechless, idk how bro made the character so bland af and the story soooo boring i drop it in chp50 cuz it’s sooooo boring soooo boring sooooo boring

Cringe addict created a topic of Diss Love