Cancer Pet peeve: loud people or noises, my god is it too much to ask for silence
2021-01-19 05:43 marked
I’m not leaving my room unless My food is here. DO NOT bother me. And knocking on my door is useless. It doesn’t matter if I hear you or not I’m not answering my door.
2020-11-27 05:39 marked
It's stupid considered being an introvert, i hated being left alone. Like when i can't keep up with the atmosphere and everybody started talking to each other, i feel like i have no room to reply or be familiar with the topics. Then if excuse myself from the group, i fear that they would be worried or think i'm a loner,etc. it's really confusing, c......
2020-11-24 02:32 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-11-19 03:00 marked
Tell me your Zodiac sign with you pet peeve and I'll tell you what your Ani...