YesButLikeNo January 31, 2021 9:31 am

any completed manga/hwa/hua?
any genre but no yaoi (shounen ai is okay tho), length doesn't matter as long as it's good. (≧∀≦) lists are allowed!

YesButLikeNo December 4, 2020 10:46 am

so, you guys know Painter of The Night? Why do you guys like it so much, directing it towards the people who read it and liked it, of course? I mean, when I intially read it, it seemed like a hella abusive relationship with a rapist seme, but it's rated 9.6 and pretty popular. So.. does it get like good in the later chapters? Because I remember a comment saying something along the lines of "oh, that was so cute of the seme ... character development ... he gave uke a hug" but when I read the latest chapter of that time, all I saw was abuse, AM I MISSING SOMETHING?? because if so, I would want to read it but if it's just a straight up abuse and people are simping over a rapist then hell no-

    Moon December 4, 2020 10:50 am

    it’s a horrible story, and i don’t find it romantic prob cute whatsoever. i think majority of its readers are in it for sex, the art, and hoping for a somewhat okay/happy ending for the main character. it goes get a bit better when the seme starts developing romantic feelings towards the uke and becomes jealous/possessive but idk. and yeah people are simping over a rapist and abuser because he’s hot.. it’s fucked up

    Woop Woop December 4, 2020 10:57 am

    I haven't read Painter of the Night, and from that summary, I don't think I ever will, but I really love the artstyle. I assume that every reader sees the pretty art and characters and decides it's a masterpiece.

    EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY December 4, 2020 10:58 am

    lol no that manhwa aint anything but its kinda hard to explain without spoiling

    its kind of like this in terms of character development:
    douchebag --> douchebag to everyone but the uke yet still a dick from time to time because he doesnt know how to NOT be a dick

    its nice because we see a man tainted by sodomy slowly getting ripped apart into shambles by a mere painter; he thought he'd never be one to commit to one person or that he'd ever fall so deeply and we see him become a mess in the process. its just so addicting to read, the uke practically has the seme in his hands, if you think about it...

    if the uke were to ever leave the seme would go crazy. he's now become practically helpless/lifeless without him; he's fallen in deep and idk why that captivates me

    bungeee cum December 4, 2020 10:59 am

    i'm just here to see nakyum be happy and a happy ending tbh and i wanna seee seunho's charac development :<<<

    id be real annoyed if it isnt a happy ending HAHHAAH

    EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY December 4, 2020 11:00 am
    lol no that manhwa aint anything but its kinda hard to explain without spoilingits kind of like this in terms of character development:douchebag --> douchebag to everyone but the uke yet still a dick from ti... EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY

    anything but cute*
    also im not a simp for the seme okay he's not even my style, i just like to see him become a mess over a mere boy

    apothepug December 4, 2020 11:01 am

    the first comment is right, most are probably in it for the sex scenes and art, these two or, the majority of readers could be minors who MIGHT be romanticizing seungho's character (and his character "development"). i personally dived into it thinking it was gonna be like a dark erotica novel (im an avid reader of this genre before jumping into manga/manhwa) because of the premise, but i was wrong tho. it's completely different. but i continue to read it because i wanna give the creator a chance to showcase their writing skills, how would they successfully redeem a character like seungho, and if he can't be redeemed, what would be the ending of the story?

    bungeee cum December 4, 2020 11:01 am
    i'm just here to see nakyum be happy and a happy ending tbh and i wanna seee seunho's charac development :<<< id be real annoyed if it isnt a happy ending HAHHAAH bungeee cum

    im a sucker for a story where the seme is bad at first then loves the uke in the end. sorry for my bad taste HAHAHAH anyway i dont really see it that high and i dont know why its hyped up. (respect to the author tho)

    SebaSuk December 4, 2020 11:08 am

    It's an interesting story if you ask me. I hate people that are like there is rape so it's a bad story. Sometimes stories like that arent suposed to be lovely. It's a story where you just see where it goes and how it develops. The characters arent suposed to be perfect. Also the art is just fantastic. If an autor wants a hardcore story with abuse then he wants to have people reading it to have some kind of feelings about it that won't be kind, but it's not that it's a bad story.

    Moon December 4, 2020 11:13 am
    It's an interesting story if you ask me. I hate people that are like there is rape so it's a bad story. Sometimes stories like that arent suposed to be lovely. It's a story where you just see where it goes and ... SebaSuk

    i fail to see the “good” in a story where a poor artist is kidnapped, held hostage and forced to have sex with a promiscuous nobleman. if seungho looked like a middle aged slimey bastard you would be singing a different tune. it’s a tragic story, yes, but that doesn’t make it good if it’s characters fail to redeem themselves or change their ways

    SebaSuk December 4, 2020 11:23 am
    i fail to see the “good” in a story where a poor artist is kidnapped, held hostage and forced to have sex with a promiscuous nobleman. if seungho looked like a middle aged slimey bastard you would be singin... Moon

    You know that good story can be even drama/tragic? I would still read it if he would be an old man it doesnt really change the situacion. Just because the plot doesnt go by your imagination doesnt mean it's not a good story. I read stories like these more for the environment that you normaly can't experience even if it's a bad one. If you still don't understand then i think we should end this discusion. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Nik December 4, 2020 11:51 am

    i started reading it because it was all the hype, now i’m just reading it for Nakyum and i lowkey want him to get tf away from Seungho and i usually skip most of the sex scenes ‘cause it’s rapey and i’m not good with that kinda stuff. i don’t hate the story but i can’t bring myself to like any of the characters other than Nakyum or ship Nakyum and Seungho, just my opinion

    Kash December 4, 2020 12:00 pm

    I have never thought of it as romantic nor cute...... And, yes... There's a character development Or rather I say that it is confusing in a way..... Seme's past is coming to light and he is understanding love..... And it indeed has very messed up scenes and when the first time i read it it bcz of the hype I really wanted to see seme cry so badly...... And to tell u the truth I myself don't know what tk say when people ask me why u like it..... I just like it.... And am sucker for diff art styles.... And the art is really great specially a scene where smoke is very beautifully shown......

    minutta December 4, 2020 12:35 pm

    Well, you can't really jump into this story with modern standards in mind, especially when the plot takes place during the Joseon era when social ranks dictated your worth. Seungho thinks of himself as highly superior and so he does whatever the hell he wants without a conscience. We don't know his backstory yet, but I am pretty sure that his upbringing and the trauma his dad put him through have something to do with how he is right now. Seungho's doctor said that there was nothing wrong with Seungho before his father locked him in the house. It was bad enough to make him want to k*ll himself, so we can only imagine what he went through.

    I just find the characters layered and interesting! There's so much to unpack about them and how social rank shaped the way they turned out to be. The story is so much more than sex like damn, I love chapters that focus on the plot WAY more! You really need to look for the small clues in the story, the author is very detail-oriented and intentional about the panels. It's more enjoyable if you look at the characters and not the porn, but hey! Ig that's what most people care about.

    As for the romance, it's supposed to be dark. I don't know why people believed it's going to be a fluffy story where everything is pink and clouds taste la cotton candy. Nakyum is a very, very strong character in season 1: he stands up to Seungho and does his best to help the ones he loves (Inhun). I don't want to give too many spoilers, but the plot is really great if you decide to analyze the characters and their actions and how their motives change as the story progresses. There's a lot to unpack about all of them, they are all smart in their own way.

    I dunno, I stopped thinking about potn as a yaoi a long time ago. I'm more interested in character development than the sex scenes lmao. A lot of potn stans want to see Seungho and Nakyum communicate instead of seeing them go at it day and night.

    I'm not saying you have to agree with what is happening in the story, a lot of things are gross and hard to stomach and you shouldn't read if you can't endure it. I just don't like seeing people call it a bad story just because they hold onto modern standards and values. It's not supposed to be pretty. A lot of minors found this and romanticize the characters and so the novel got a bad reputation, but we've got to remember that this is targeted at adults.

    Do as you wish, but we're barely at the beginning of Seungho's development arc and he still fucks up because of his abandonment issues, so don't expect things to be all cute and perfect between them.

    (i hope this makes sense even though you're not caught up with the story ( ̄へ ̄))

    bounbabi December 15, 2020 11:36 am
    Well, you can't really jump into this story with modern standards in mind, especially when the plot takes place during the Joseon era when social ranks dictated your worth. Seungho thinks of himself as highly s... minutta

    exactly!! i totally agree with you! i’m still reading potn because i want to see their developments. it’s not abt the smut but the story! it has so much potential and i hope the author will go though this till the end

YesButLikeNo November 28, 2020 7:24 pm

alright... R.I.P my childhood- ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
i think i might stay away from mrm for a few days

    tawin November 28, 2020 7:28 pm

    LMFAOO how nice of you to share :D

    Nick_mike November 28, 2020 7:38 pm

    Wtf did I just saw ┗( T﹏T )┛
    This gonna pop up everytime I see pikachu

    □□□□□□ November 28, 2020 7:43 pm


    fannnngirl November 28, 2020 9:19 pm


    yupilikeyaoi again December 3, 2020 2:46 am

    I wonder why this is a thing....whenever my brothers watch it- I'll just remember...WHY DO I CLICK YOUR LINKS?!?!

YesButLikeNo November 13, 2020 1:02 pm

So, there is this guy who moves around school alot. I remember that in the past, his friend was like "I'll never forget you" crying and everything, I think he gave him a magazine? then he said "I'll call you everyday!". But a few days past, and they stop calling eachother. Fast foward, the MC doesn't believe people will keep in touch with him when leaving school and whatnot. Then he meets the ML, they become friends but the MC has to leave school again. Even though the ML says that he'll text him everyday, he doesn't believe it. But, much to his suprise, they remain friends by texting eachother everyday and I think they meet again in college or highschool.

YesButLikeNo November 12, 2020 9:02 am

So, there is this guy who moves around school alot. I remember that in the past, his friend was like "I'll never forget you" crying and everything, I think he gave him a magazine? then he said "I'll call you everyday!". But a few days past, and they stop calling eachother. Fast foward, the MC doesn't believe people will keep in touch with him when leaving school and whatnot. Then he meets the ML, they become friends but the MC has to leave school again. Even though the ML says that he'll text him everyday, he doesn't believe it. But, much to his suprise, they remain friends by texting eachother everyday and I think they meet again in college or highschool.

YesButLikeNo November 4, 2020 3:49 am

do we have any apocolypse x yaoi..? or even shounen ai? something like ヾ(☆▽☆)

YesButLikeNo November 3, 2020 6:40 pm

well... good night everyone, I will now go and sleep/write my essay at 1:07am ~ fun ~
anywhoo, to keep this manga-related, please check out
which will be the, no doubt, epic sequel of my favourite

    tawin November 3, 2020 7:25 pm

    good luck! you got it! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    and sweet dreams <3

    Gobbling Gin-chan November 3, 2020 7:34 pm

    Goodnight! I'm sleepy bit I don't want to sleep hehe (_ _*) Z z z

    Minorin November 9, 2020 12:03 pm

    omgggg yess I'm so happy to see more people reading this manga bless

YesButLikeNo November 3, 2020 8:32 am

Please reccommend me a long and binge-worthy read, something that will keep me up until like 2am sort of thing. Any genre!!

YesButLikeNo November 1, 2020 10:59 am

So, there was a girl who lived in a village. There was a rumoured creature (probably witch) who was chained in a little shed, it was said any guy looked into her eyes would instantly fall inlove/bewitched by her beauty. The girl had a crush on a boy, but it turns out that boy had seen the witch and fell inlove. Heartbroken and all, the girl went to look at the witch. I don't remember exactly what happened but in the end, she turned into a witch and she was running through the forest, until she met a man (I think a lumberjack or something), he was instantly bewitched by her and thats all i can remember :/

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