This is the story of a young boy, after being sent from Hiroshima to Saga (10 years after the second...
- Author: Shimada Yoshichi
- Genres: Comedy / Historical / Seinen / Slice of life
His friend (the bald one) is so kind. Im crying the whole time im reading its so sad in a good way. It teaches us to be more grateful for all the little things because not all of us are born privileged. I just loveeeer this manga so much
Goddd these kids are not human broo like how the fuck they can do that without feeling guilty or remorse
Sekime-san is only cold for me. But I'm the only one who knows her true face no one knows....
- Author: Shigure tokita
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School life
so puree(≧∀≦)
01 09,2023