I liked it, it's a really good story but...
WHAT WAS SETH'S PURPOSE? The boy was the only one who was hurt in the end, I mean his character can be seen as the impetus for Henry and Sam to stay together in the end. When Seth said that Henry was his summer, it was my trigger to cry, but then they moved on to Sam and Henry's moment so fast I couldn't even cry well. Honestly, I love Henry very much, but Seth was the one who ended up stealing my heart and I didn't like that the last appearance he had was that :(

i think seth has a pretty big significance on the change between sam and henry's relationship, he triggered something within sam and made henry realize a lot of things that even when other seasons (seth) could give him what he just needs, summer (sam) will always be around the corner and will never leave something like that. i hate to say this because i really loved seth's character because i wouldn't ever reach that level of unselfishness but i guess you could say that he's that character that is used for the character development
Everything in this story is so freaking awesome that I really can't find the words to describe how the manga made me feel... Gahh, I really had a long time without finding a story as fantastic as this uwu