Well, for me it's an open ending...
Losing one's memories briefly opens the door to starting over, though their deeds woundn't be undone; More like guarded by a shell of one's/other's feelings.
In this case...I can see them falling in love with each other in the future. After all, only the screws of the brain were resettled but not the matters of the heart.
What's the point of living in pain and hurting oneself...It's not a sacrifice but a sin to live in darkness.

Woth just 32 pages and almost no dialogues, this manga highlighted some very important social issues: Loneliness/anxiety/deppression and ofc the special bond between animals and humans.
Sensei captured Busa-chan's expressions vividly...Usually it's hard to differentiate any emotions in animals even though they are equally sensitive to feelings such as love/hate like us.
A human's death not only bereaves it's familu members but it's associated animal too...
The man's words , "With this, you'll be fine even without me" terribly proved him wrong at the end...

I could greatly relate to the main themes of the manga-Inferiorty complex, insecurity and loving oneself first.
Tysm translator/uploader-san for this beautiful piece...
I really can't believe that this is sensei's first published manga...Absolutely loved every bit of it...
Really wish there were more of her works translated/uploaded.
Tysm uploader/translator-san.
U r such a darling~