This manga deals with the special moment when one falls in love for the first time...First time when hearts/emotions are entwined...First time when you have a hand to hold in darkness/sickness and share laughs in happiness...When the caccoon of loneliness finally emerges to a beautiful butterfly of togetherness...
The thing is you cannot feel the looming loneliness/emptiness around unless you've been in love /experienced/onlooker, just like one can't tell the difference between light&dark if all around him's shrouded in black.
In the last chapter when Hiro-kun cried out his love for Yakumo, it was then he realized the real meaning of being in love/being loved.

It's infuriating that such type of homewreckers exsist irl...Smt's wrong with their heads...
Nothing less than criminals I would say.
Similarly cheaters recieve no less condemnation from me... They are the lowest of scum.
I really hope Kiyoko/Misaki kun are able to get over this without any serious blunders.
On the other note, this type of relationship's something to yearn for...Not an easy task finding one's soul mates. Both Kiyoko and Misaki beautifully accept and love all of each other.
Keeping a butt pic of ur lover's cute af