LemonPyong March 3, 2025 12:30 am

I’m still waiting for that “Satisfying redemption” arc that the Author promised.

I still don’t see it.
This horse shit didn’t even suffer yet lol

This better not be another BJ Alex bullshit

LemonPyong February 24, 2025 1:16 am

You know what’s truly making me hate this whole thing?

It’s that Annette’s life has turned a complete 180.
She lost everything.
And was emotionally and physically tormented.
Guilty by association, because of her shit father.
She was innocent—oblivious to the whole thing.
And was punished for crimes she did not commit

And yet, all we get is the ML having regrets, and being emotional about all the shit he’s done.
I will only truly be satisfied if he also gets physically punished.
When he also injures his arm, when the people of Padania finds out what he has done to Annette because of spite and revenge.
Revenge over an innocent woman.
When the whole country shits on him.
Because right now, no matter how much he regrets what he has done, people still aee him as a competent General, and a hero.
If he really regrets doing what he has done, then stoop lower, surrender your dignity, and suffer the losses.

THEN I will be satisfied.
If all we get for a fucking redemption is reading through the ML’s sob mindset and not getting any actual punishment, then say whatever you want, but for me his redemption is SHIT

LemonPyong February 23, 2025 1:47 am

Dan better not go soft for at least 1 season.
I hope when Horse Shit gets his title back his nightmares worsen.

This better not be a case of “Oh no ML got into an accident or was beatin so bad during a fight because he couldn’t focus due to his nightmares and is now in a hospital.” Then Dan goes soft andnit all works well.

If that happens then I won’t have any sympathy dor Dan.

LemonPyong February 14, 2025 2:24 pm

Uhm where’s the redemption arc?

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! February 14, 2025 3:18 pm

    That's what you're seeing baby! Get with the program!

    Morphinoce February 14, 2025 3:29 pm
    That's what you're seeing baby! Get with the program! FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    This is not what a redemption arc is called but you seems to be 12 at most regarding how you adress people in this comment section

    That'sweird February 14, 2025 3:30 pm
    That's what you're seeing baby! Get with the program! FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    lmao you reminds me of my friend here ,I miss my dear @shiki T_T

    That'sweird February 14, 2025 3:34 pm
    This is not what a redemption arc is called but you seems to be 12 at most regarding how you adress people in this comment section Morphinoce

    and ye seem like ur buttocks hurts badly, fuck the redemption arc we don't need it.

    Morphinoce February 14, 2025 3:45 pm
    and ye seem like ur buttocks hurts badly, fuck the redemption arc we don't need it. That'sweird

    Mind you you’re the one who seems utterly pissed because everyone is not a dick rider like you

    That'sweird February 14, 2025 4:05 pm
    Mind you you’re the one who seems utterly pissed because everyone is not a dick rider like you Morphinoce

    thanxz for the compliment, chick!

    jjm.n February 14, 2025 8:11 pm

    Don’t expect much from this author lmao their talent is simply drawing the smexy scenes not a well written plot.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! February 14, 2025 9:19 pm
    Don’t expect much from this author lmao their talent is simply drawing the smexy scenes not a well written plot. jjm.n

    Total genius they are in my books considering the whole world read their work.

    jjm.n February 14, 2025 9:47 pm
    Total genius they are in my books considering the whole world read their work. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    …..um that’s bc most ppl don’t really read spicy BLs for the plot but for the sex scenes and just bc something is popular doesn’t mean it’s peak. Look at Colleen Hoover for example, her books are insanely popular but her writing is on the same level as Wattpad stories

    Morphinoce February 15, 2025 1:23 pm
    …..um that’s bc most ppl don’t really read spicy BLs for the plot but for the sex scenes and just bc something is popular doesn’t mean it’s peak. Look at Colleen Hoover for example, her books are insa... jjm.n

    I totally agree

LemonPyong February 13, 2025 5:04 pm

So Author-nim, where’s your so called “Sweet redemption arc”?
All I see is a bastard who still gets his way.
He barely suffered lol.
If I see another chapter of Jaekyung not suffering, I’ll drop this BJ Alex-reboot looking manhwa.

Dan was severely traumatized mentally.
And before all that, he suffered so much physical abuse from all those thugs and from Jaekyung.
Dan also had a pitiful childhood, growing up from poverty and being bullied for it.
And now, he’s also slowly losing the only person to ever love him, his granny.

Meanwhile, Horse shit over here still gets glazed by people for being strong and handsome.
Barely suffering.
And only a few chapters of him drinking and being unable to sleep.

We need more.
He needs to lose everything.
He needs to have his pride stripped.
Lose all fights.
And suffer more.

You call this bullshit redemption? Pfftt
Just another author who glazes abuse with “love”.

LemonPyong December 22, 2024 8:43 pm

If Jaekyung’s past trauma was him getting bullied, it ain’t no excuse asshat horsie.
Mingwa, you better be cooking a good justification for how this piece of garbage turned out.

    manhwa lover December 22, 2024 8:49 pm

    then tell me what's the great backstory that will make your cruel heart show the sympathy towards JJK??? is he not a human being like us??? wow!!

    MangaSanctuary December 22, 2024 10:06 pm

    You both make me laugh, and are both right

LemonPyong December 12, 2024 5:17 pm

Dan better not go soft on this horse shit.
He even called Dan a liability for the match, even though Dan was already proven innocent.

Mingwa really loves BJ Alex huh?
Story is leaning towards the same direction.

LemonPyong December 3, 2024 2:15 am

I think Granny is in heaven now

LemonPyong November 11, 2024 11:45 pm

What kind of story that features a predator teacher who sexually prey on young students as a plot drive still get to teach?
The whole thing was basically shrugged off as if nothing—just somehow forgotten.
If the author doesn’t show karma for the teacher, then this is no master piece.
How can that be just forgotten?
It ruined the whole story for me.

LemonPyong November 11, 2024 11:38 pm

I’m with the Uke on this one.
You people are so blind sometimes.
Even I would fear for my son’s safety.
Given what happened , I understand the lack of trust the Uke has for this smirking son of bitch Seme.
He hasn’t been the kindest, and has always schemed, manipulated, and forced himself on the Uke, just so he could have him to himself. On the POV of the Uke, this bastard isn’t trustworthy.

So I’m with Uke on this one.
I completely understand the lack of trust.

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