It's hard to imagine that Abel will fall in love with Karas considering he views him as a child. Hope he falls in love with Karas as just captain commander and finds he's his majesty later.

Right now we are at a point where only Karas knows it's Abel so he's being possesive and protective. Abel has not even a slight idea that Karas is the little boy he took care of so everything right now is his own innocent feelings.
In the novel Abel does struggle with his feelings towards Karas even before finding out but he does address that he is conflicted due to Karas now being an adult and having adult desires towards him alongside the type of adult Karas has become.
The romancey stuff will end soon-ish to continue the main storyline with Tryude and the black poison so Abel is genuinely taking what I'd consider a respectable amount of time before giving his all

I know this is complex but this dogblood is not for me. I would never forgive a man who killed my family in past timeline because he's blindly in love with his hoe. He can be in love with his hoe but he should at least keep her leash. He has no brains at all and would leave a nation ruined, a war to start, innocents to die because of his dick.
Fuck this man honestly.
I think the author did a good job in writing the main character. There are many naive main characters who we can't help but love even though their actions are selfish and they act cutesy to get away with anything but the main character here admits her mistakes and wants to resolve things with her ex before diving into a new relationship. She empathizes with the ML and is scared of ML of blindingly love her. Same goes for the ML. Although he is proactive in his feelings, he didn't do it excessively to the point of being possessive.