The story of Aikawa Kuon, the quiet college student and Shirahane Nanao, the devilish young man cont...

  • Author: Sakuraga Mei
  • Genres: Comedy / Drama / School Life / Slice Of Life / Shounen Ai / Yaoi
Usako add manga to list Cute Kids in Yaoi

Kim Euihyun has decided he doesn’t want to live. He feels nothing anymore. He has no future to...

  • Author: Euja,으자
  • Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Romance / Webtoons

When the real chapter 66 needs uploaded or fixed?

Usako add manga to list Bunnies #3

"After meeting her death, Thalia is reborn as the female protagonist’s older sister, a ch...

  • Author: Hansiryeong , Nina,Hodo
  • Genres: Shoujo / Fantasy / Romance / Webtoons
Usako add 1 photos to Rainbows
Usako created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

I never promised you a rose garden.
Along with the sunshine, there's got to be a little rain sometime.
When you take, you gotta give
So live and let live or let go, whoa-whoa-whoa
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
I could promise you things like big diamond rings
But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover
So you better think it over
Well, if sweet-talkin' you could make it come true
I would give you the world right now on a silver platter
But what would it matter
So smile for a while and let's be jolly
Love shouldn't be so melancholy
Come along and share the good times while we can
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine
There's gotta be a little rain sometime
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
I could sing you a tune and promise you the moon
But if that's what it takes to hold you
I'd just as soon let you go
But there's one thing I want you to know
You better look before you leap, still waters run deep
And there won't always be someone there to pull you out
And you know what I'm talking about
So smile for a while and let's be jolly
Love shouldn't be so melancholy
Come along and share the good times while we can
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine
There's gotta be a little rain sometime
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden

Usako add 1 photos to Rainbows
Usako add manga to list Bunnies #3


  • Author: 허니트랩,Angela,Honey Trap
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Comedy / Fantasy
Usako add manga to list Bunnies #3

I am Daisy von Preslaria. Even though I was born in a viscount family that produces excellent magici...

  • Author: yocco,Asanaya
  • Genres: Reincarnation / Adventure / Fantasy / Slice of Life / Adaptation