I NEED MORE SCAR X SAWOL UGHGHHGHGHthe ending was a bit rushed for me tbh
Do not read i swear, just a waste of time
The brotherly love really gets to me T-T I want Ricooooo back
the dramatic chapter cover made me laugh
Saike's eyes keep getting more empty as the manga goes on. I think he's a bit emotionally unstable jksfnkjjor lol not, maybe I'm just looking to deep into this
I mean if you think about it he has mentally lived about a thousand years
akldmjkjdkjefkjejgekfke i can't i can't, this is so awesomei was like OHHHHH
I don't have the motivation to read this, they should have just given us a proper ending of the previous one T-Ttheory: this is another dimension, same mechanics but altered at a certain level
pretty similar to bokutachi ga yarimashita in terms of character development buT UGHH i hate them at first too muchWell they do have the same authorLoving the art style =3=
I want to cry but the tears won't come the fuck OUT. I hate you tearducts
he's sooo cUTEEE, would want the story to revolve around him but okkk
the ending was a bit rushed for me tbh