people blaming the mc when practically most of the stuff happening to him ( which are traumatic as hell ) is bcs of other people ( mainly caused or catalysed by the ml and/or blonde guy )

when he had the debt ,seung on was still high school student he had no money too ,i mean that big amount money to pay for min jiwook debt. that's why he left him,although it's also because of his pride but if i am min jiwook i will not take seung on money too(because he had no money for the debt) but i will not just disappear like him. seung on need to exchange his position to borrowed the money from his sister ,that's what i am talking about . if me i will talk to seung on about the debt and everything .

You must live in a fairy tale, it's easy to say "take the money" but not that easy to do. Especially how he worked so hard to earn money (he even took a break from school).
And let's not forget, who would want to receive money/help from someone who raped him and literally kidnapped him? And even when they were in school Sungeon was quite violent which is also not a good, dependable trait.
so they all jus die in one singular chapter????