Tai June 8, 2021 7:31 pm

i hate to burst some bubbles here but this is tagged incorrectly. its not smut. its under the Girls tag on cool mic. if there is a version of this story that has actual sex scenes, then this aint it. (it could be a case where in the final chpt there is 1 sex scene or smth but overall this is not an Adult rated series). so im saying this so people know waht they are getting into cuz between the tag, the summary and the cover....shit is really misleading. i also thought it was a TL manga until i checked the cool mic website and saw how its categorized. im rly curious if there's a version with sex scenes cuz this mangaka has been known to make TL stories (aka 18+ rated het romance comics aimed at women and girls).
i might search late but im too lazy rn haha.

    Rose rose rose June 8, 2021 10:18 pm

    Thanks for letting us know , cuz I would be really annoyed if I came for smut and didn't see a single f scene ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Tai June 8, 2021 11:18 pm
    Thanks for letting us know , cuz I would be really annoyed if I came for smut and didn't see a single f scene ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Rose rose rose

    yup. like plenty of people could still enjoy this story even knowing that there's no smut. but if u come for a cute love story WITH sex, u end up fixating more on "so when is the sex tho" than the story and it ruins the experience tbh and makes it harder to appreciate the story on its own merits rather than as a work u THINK it is (when it isnt and never claimed to be, but bad tagging....-_-)

Tai May 23, 2021 2:28 pm


Tai May 19, 2021 2:09 pm

the people who hate the maid and Rosie (the mistress) more than the husband or just show their hate for them more than the husband are....yall wrong for that. listen, u can hate them all u want, but at the end of the day the man in this equation is giselle's husband aka the person who SHOULD be protecting her and caring about her. instead he used his power to abuse her, the maid is his /employee/ she works for HIM and his family. NOT for giselle, she's putting in her lot with the man cuz she thinks thats the safest bet. she's a working class woman.. same with rosie. she's not a noblewoman but instead of living as a maid or doing grunt work she wants to live it up and so she seduced a rich man. that rich man has a wife who is in the way, she's like "lets get dis bitch outta da way". obv i love giselle, root for her, and dont like people who hurt her. but the person MOST at fault and the perosn with the MOST societal power and most power in the marriage is the HUSBAND Carter smth, and we've seen him not show a single spec of kindness to giselle. he mistreats her out of spite. the other women get in her way in order to help themselves and in the maid's case i think she is doing what she thinks is best for the household. note that she is NOT a fan of rosie either (and in fact dislikes her more) but rosie knows how ot play the game whereas giselle has no interest in doing so. so ya i dont like maid or rosie. but i dont hhate them. i fucking HATE carter and yall should hate him way more than the women and its serious misogyny and sexist thinking that makes yall hate them more than him. (also prob some clasissm too)

Tai May 16, 2021 7:14 pm

hello all! for those who are interested in this webtoon. you can now find it in english here:
webtoons . com / en / romance / half-ghost / list?title_no=2765

and the raws as always can be found right here: https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=760002&page=1

Tai May 5, 2021 2:44 pm

isnt it nice when fetishes line up so perfectly like this? lol

    Anal69destroyer May 11, 2021 5:44 pm

    Match made in heaven?ヾ(☆▽☆)
    I need more mangas like this one.

Tai May 5, 2021 2:06 pm

this is a totally free comic by a Canvas/indepedant creator, which is to say they arent being paid. so those page views are critical. please just leave it at 3 chpts to encourage people to read it on webtoon or t a p a s becuz its 100 percent free, she gets no money from any of it except she gets page views and likes and comments (both webtoon and tps has like/comment options) so those are critical for the author to have a chance to one day get a contract with a publishing platform. please keep that in mind yall (esp GL creators, have a harder time)

Tai May 2, 2021 1:31 am

loving all the thirsty sapphic energy in here. and i also love how the author is using gyerin's big imagination and both women's taste for the Theaterical as a reason to give us diff Roleplay scenarios acted out with these cool scene changes into diff genres every few chpts. its like an adventure in BDSM lesbianism thru various settings and i couldnt be happier about it. a great way to keep the story fun and unpredictable. and also Spicy and Kinky but still wholesome. more comics need to keep the FUN in bdsm. so many of them make it out to be such a serious intense Dramatique thing when it isnt rly like that (and shouldnt be). anyway i love this. and blondie kinda looks like a female wookyung, and even has his crazy eyes but unlike actual wookyung she's a total sweetheart. a big fluffy dog like lady~

Tai April 26, 2021 9:50 pm

just fyi this is up to chpt 34 on pocket comics (last update was 4/25/2021). It's a mobile only app. but if ur rly dying to read more thats ur best bet rn. (their daily missions, daily tickets, regular events, sales etc are a great way to get free currency to read the comics and i def recommend DLing the app and using it as its one of my fave comic apps to use lately along with T&pas.)

Tai April 13, 2021 11:34 pm

it breaks my heart how many people felt like they had to share their trauma in the comments because some of yall cant handle a writer dealing with serious subject matter in a real way. there's way more BL mangas that treat rape and assault like a given and readers just roll on with it cause the story doesnt actually sit with the reality of it and in fact refuses to acknowledge the noncon as rape with real consequences on the human psyche. and look! ive read BLs like that too. im not tryin to shame anybody. but the only thing this writer is doing "wrong" rn is taking the shit seriously and her pov feels so real that i wonder if she's talking from experience or did proper research (unlike some of the rest of you who def know nothing about how trauma effects people. like how much of this complaints that the author isnt being irresponsible is based on justified indignation or anger that ur porn isnt fun and sexy enough for u to ignore the less savory elements of it?) And like dont get me wrong ok, this having a heavy subject matter that u didnt sign up for is a TOTALLY valid reason to feel like the comic is not for u (and i'd be surprised if some survivors decided this was too traumatic or real to read for right now or ever) but when u try to project your discomfort on the author as Doing it Wrong or not knowing her shit its like...no YOU are the one with the problem right now. (also this isnt even getting into how his being a man adds a whole other host of issues with recovery. i dont htink its worse for men so much as less resources are available for male survivors of sexual assault and this is true across the world but esp in more conservative or chauvinistic societies like South Korea's for example).
I feel so bad for him but at least looking at the raws and how we rly get into his psyche and how he has agency thru the whole story, this story isnt going to turn into dumb porn or misery porn. one of my issues with Stigma was how it felt the need to spend so much time on the main guy's misery and abuse and had him be a passive figure who is mostly acted upon and hates themselves. and it was just so rough (not to mention there was some Unfortunate Implications in how the narrative implied that this kid is stuck in this abusive cycle partially thru his own passive acceptance of it, as if his entire sense of self wasnt eroded before he even turned 18 like...gtfo). I like that in this story the guy isnt like esp delicate or feminine, or "easy" to take advantage of. he's not some tragic waif that needs saving from the big bads. rather what he needs "saving" from now is his own trauma that he cant process in a healthy way cause society is SO shit about how it treats survivors of any gender and ofc male ones get an extra heaping of a diff kind of shame. (and the fact that he was a policeman too? gaaaaad yikes).

    Bunnylo April 29, 2024 1:23 pm


Tai April 7, 2021 5:37 pm

beautiful GL. tappytoon was the original license and site for this in engish but this will be removed on April 10th 2021. why? who tf knows! they aint telling people shit. luckily it can still be purchased in full and if u do so u can keep the chpts however if u dont have the money to buy 80+ CHPTS OF A COMIC in one go, then the place u can support it and access it is Pocket Comics, which is a mobile comics site. they have so many fun missions, free tickets, affordable currency packs, wait for free and read for free with ads options. so its alot more affordable than tappytoon so if u cant pay for all the chpts at once then i absolutely recommend reading it there, the interface is very nice and i dont have issues with crashing or freezing like some other comics apps.
Supporting GL comics is especially important guys cause so few get licensed as is. there's alot more GL on korean platforms that DONT get picked up cause most publishers assume that they just dont get as much views or paying customers so if u like a GL comic absolutely show it! as much as u can! so we can get more of em!

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