I have read my fair shares of YANDERE characters but my my ,shinpei is one hell of a yandere character. The real YANDERE.
This is good
I dont kno why is evryone saying this is bad ,but this has more potential than JINX
Girl he was so happy thinking it was ines but suddenly evrything went downhill bcz of a horny stupid woman
Why am i still reading this
He is a lost cause at this point
I cannot fathom as to how i could've survived in that house with that crazy woman. I'm sure i would've lost my marbles and pushed her down the stairs in a fit of rage .
Mannnn these chapters feel shorter and shorter and shorter .
Uwaaaaaaaahhhhh i need more
Untill now i didn't know that it was possible to get a headache from reading a horrible translation
I just saw this on twitter and lucky me finding this here
I really really hope the author makes this into a series
Please can anyone give me the link to death's game?i can't find it
Please suggest something with the same artstyle like this one
Totally gonna read this for the 2nd couple
Jaekyung can hv his arm amputated for all i care
you know i hv read my fair shares of toxic manhwas but this .... even i cant stomach this