okay I can understand why rose is so power-hungry now, but I still dislike her for one reason: she is willing to drag other people down in order to get what she wants, which can be seen when she tries to humiliate and then fucking murder patrizia. but the person I hate more is the king, since he’s being a shitty person to both rose AND patrizia. like you’re the fucking king, you could have easily made rose the queen if you actually gave a shit about her rather than betraying her by marrying someone else. and if you’re going to be an asshole and marry someone else anyways, at least treat them with human decency goddamn. his mommy issues make me feel a little bad for him but still that didn’t excuse his shit behavior.
can I get a uh “people who read chainsaw man” therapy group please???? it fucks me up thinking about how denji’s simple-mindedness was my favorite thing about him but it ended up getting him screwed over in the end :(