i do like bdsm and shit, but i dont even understand why some of you guys like the top. first of all, the bottom had no intention to be in a romantic relationship with the top, and the top basically raped him. The bottom gave no consent, and even said no to him. That’s rape, and rape is discusting. Third of all, sure the bottom has been fighting people and shit, but thats his life. Let him do what he wants to do. Also, literally everything about the relationship is instincts, not love at the beginning. What are you guys opinion on him?
It’s a yaoi dude no offense but chill out. Most yaoi is porn with plot and if the authors good enough they can make it interesting with the plot.‘I think the author definitely could have take it better places if given more time or did more chapters but they most likely just wanted to make a short and sweet yaoi
ok so, I know you guys are all hating on pink haired dude but like.. He's SO FINE! First of all, he's straightforward as can be which is such a good and overpowered trait. Like if you can tell me WITH A SMILE ON YOUR FACE that my coffee tasted like shit and that you lost your appetite from it.. I'ma be real honest and appreciate him for telling me the truth. Sure, some people only wanna hear what they wanna hear, BUT THIS MAN WILL TELL YOU IF YOU LOOK PRETTY OR UGLY, with full honesty. AND THAT. THAT IS RESPECTABLE AF. Second of all, you guys already know this man is hot if he's an award-winning actress. ALSO, HE PROBABLY HAS A LOT OF MONEY.. Third of all, he's manipulative and knows how to play cards to his advantage which is such a good trait to have, we ain't want no pushover. He can take charge when he needs to. My final point, he is easygoing and makes decisions fast. Not necessarily a good trait but it's not a bad one either. Like if you wanna break up, he’ll give you a yes or no answer real quick.
so that concludes it, PINK HAIRED GUY IS PERFECT.
read two chapters and already hate everybody in this book. the mother is a horrible human/creature being, if you son doesn’t wanna love why the hell do you have to force him. He’s probably not even past the age of 30, why tf does he need to marry now. A lot of people mature as they grow older, ESPECIALLY IF YOUR GONNA BE A KING. He would’ve eventually found the right girl. the employee is a terrible human/creature being as well. no matter how short on cash you are you should not ever do something like this especially without letting either of them know. I wish I could drop kick that bitch. The male lead is arrogant, which I like but why tf isn’t he sad or very angry. His mother just literally sent him away down to a place he’s never been before and made him fall in love with the first person he saw. I would be pissed, and I would cut connections with my family prince or not. The female lead is way too accepting. A male just broke into your house and started spewing shitty pickup lines. CALL THE POLICE. Phoenix or not. She should’ve said, “I don’t give a fuck about your conditions just get out of my house.”
and report him for sexual assault at that, and attempted robbery.
anyways, this is not my favorite.. ╥﹏╥
Wow I think... that was just a whole lot of contradictions I read:
1. You accuse the mother of being a b**** but then blame the ML for not being sad enough about it so that he's gotten to the point where he cuts all connections off with his family. So is the mother a b**** or is he the one in the wrong for not being 'sad' enough about it? Yes, expecting a victim to respond with the 'appropriate' emotions puts the blame solely on the victim, meaning it's impossible to have it both ways.
2. Cutting off ties with your family when you love them should never be made the victim's responsibility either. *Refer to point 1.
3. Did you not read the part where she threw him out of the house and he came flying back to her because of the curse? And, again, you're expecting victims to react 'appropriately'.
4. The arrogance of the ML IS what should p!ss you off. That's the only thing *he* uses to victimize others after all. His arrogance is what lead him to insulting potential marriage candidates, even though they weren't the ones to blame for anything. His arrogance is the reason women, despite not being opposed to marriage (which is another fact it appears you've missed), just like it was said in the news article, avoid him like the plague. Which is also, besides his extreme pickiwhat makes it unlikely that he will ever find a potential mate e
(Since my comment was posted long before I was obviously finished, I'll just continue from the part with the incomplete, in many ways, sentence):
(4. cont...). Which is also, besides his extreme pickiness, what makes it *highly* unlikely that he will ever find a potential mate even under the unimaginable scenario that he falls in love with someone. His mother has every reason to believe that he will not find one in her lifetime (especially given that this is a fantasy involving phoenixes who not only typically live 1000 years before burning up in flames in order to resurrect themselves but who *also* probably look young throughout their *whole* lives). What she should not then do because of that, however, is force him to breed because of her selfish desires.
5. The employee has (also) *obviously* been bearing the brunt of the work the ML should have been doing for years. Otherwise it would not have piled up like that in just the moments the ML was kicked down to earth. If he was being unprofessional *so was his boss* for much less reason and clearly much longer;
Female lead 11/10. I love her character, and her design too. I also love how she reacts to situations that others find difficult and relatable as well. HATE THE MALE LEAD. He's too possessive, and in the more recent chapters he's gotten even more possessive. Like even though he's rich has he ever thought to ask his friend if he's allowed to come to their room or house? Even though he's rich does that mean he lacks common sense? Even though he's rich does he think it's right to do some of the stuff he does? nOoo. No. Nuh-uh. #-.-)
do you..
also feel lonely? same bestie. cliffhanger just made it worse amiright? like why