Found the novel in Japanese here: https://novel18.syosetu.com/n5551cx/
Click 18歳以上 - above 18 y.o. to read it :D

<part 2> <part one and raws somewhere below>
Ijuuin sees them off but still talks with Kaoruko about transportation (in France). Yuu sees them talking together while on his way to Ijuuin’s apartment. Ijuuin reassures him that he’ll be there in a moment.
I: “Wait a moment, Kaoruko-san. There’s something in your hair.”
M: “Kaoruko, I’m coming there with you two!”
K: “What are you going to do with your job, then?”
M: “I’ll take some leave!”
Ijuuin returns to his apartment.
Y: “It’s unusual for you to have female guests.”
I: “I told you before about the trip to France, right? I’m going there with that girl.”
Y: “Oh, so it is a trip. I thought it was all about collecting references.”
I: “aa, you’re curious.”
Y: “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be prying.”
I: “You thought she was my girlfriend?”
Y: “It’s not like that. I said I’m sorry.”
Ijuuin explains how he got to know Kaoruko and how ‘the person beside her would beat him to a pulp if he approached her’. Lol
I: Speaking of which, do you have a girlfriend, Yanase-kun?
Y: “No. The person I love already has someone by their (unspecified gender) side. I got no way of changing that.”
Ijuuin asks whether he tried to snatch that person away and challenge that other person. Yuu says it was a complete failure.
I: “So you don’t love that person anymore?”
Y: “No. Just because I said I gave up, it doesn’t mean that I’ve come to terms with it (he isn’t discerning whether he likes Chiaki or not at the moment.) “ I feel like I’m standing on top of some kind of a line”
Yuu says that he doesn’t want to be talked about anymore. After being given ingredients to take home, he proposes to make something out of them instead. Yuu also says to bring some spices to the table, as he is said to spice things mildly. Ijuuin reassures him he’s not the type to add any spices, which shocks Yuu. They kind of agree that there’s no much point of overly spicing things. lol
Y: “I’ve finally found someone who agrees on that with me. I don’t see a point in adding dressings, soy sauce, etc.”
I: “You’re the same as me, huh.”
Y: “When I go to the different workplace (to a different sensei’s place) I’m being called a rabbit.”
I: “Ahaha, I get that feeling”
Yuu is pleased because he’s ‘the first sensei to understand that’.
I: “Is that so? Then, today, I’ll try to become Yanase-kun’s 'first' as many times as possible (yeah, such a phrase could be used to mean other things as well hahah).
Yuu is startled. Ijuuin asks whether everything is okay.
Y: “Watch the way you put it (of saying)!”
‘I wonder if I’m really stepping on that line between the worlds? If I really was to do so, then how would I be feeling. A bit scared, maybe I would be a bit anticipating. Slowly, step by step.”
I: “Mh, I think this amount of spices is really good. It’s tasty.”
Y: “Isn’t it!”

<Raws few comments below>
'It is a love I can't forget about'
'It appears that I'm on the verge of two worlds. One of the platonic and the other of the sensual love (the word 好き - suki can be used while referring to both "like" and "love" in Japanese)
Kaoruko and Mizuki are both visiting Ijuuin, Mizuki says that he can't let a woman be in a man's apartment by herself, even though he thinks that there is no man that would like to do something to her.
Ijuuin offers hot chocolate and sweets bought at station to ease the tension.
Apparently Kaoruko went on a trip back to France with Ijuuin for a meeting. Ijuuin was collecting materials for his manga there. Mizuki is bickering with Kaoruko. She says that Ijuuin is a person she can trust because he’s Misaki’s favorite mangaka. The topic switches to Misaki’s trip to Shikoku.
I: “Now that you mention Misaki, I’ve met him and Usami-sensei at the Tokyo station. They’re going on a trip to Kyuushuu.”
K: “What?! I wanted to go with them!!” “How could he (Misaki) not invite me!”
Ijuuin laughs at her. “You really like him, huh”
K: “Yes, I do. Misaki is a really important person to me. Mizuki, you also like him but due to your childish pride, you are always fighting him. It’s not commendable (it’s a poor sight to see)
Ijuuin thinks Kaoruko is strong and that her feelings towards Misaki have already converted, sublimed (I think he means that she’s kind of getting to terms with Misaki and Usagi’s relationship.)
‘I don’t intend to forcedly tame my feelings.’
‘But there is also a part of me, that is calm, that wants to use those feelings for my work instead’
‘People fall in love and get over it. When the change occurs, what kind of feeling is that? That, I still don’t know.’

<part one available below, forgot to log in>
"It's nothing important. It's okay, really...It's just when you went to buy bentou, I got a call from Nii-chan. He says that he wants to talk to me, just the two of us. I don't know when, but I agreed nevertheless. He says that he wants to listen to my opinion properly this time. I know where he's coming from, so this time I think I want to get myself together and face the problem myself."
"It's 330, so 3300¥" (Misaki should pay this much (roughly 30$) for the train ticket)
(I'm not quite sure, I can't read the annotations below the text. I did a research and it turns out that 330 in astrology (this particular combination of numbers) means - "You can do what you set your mind on"
Btw, if it's 300 then it means that you have been given a message from the heavens and should act upon it. Link to the article I've found: https://www.timeless-edition.com/archives/19118 )
"It's way to little!"
"It's a matter of perception (feelings)."
"At least, raise the digit by one zero. I can pay that much" 33000Y = 300$
"I'll take it gratefully and transfer the money into your savings."
"Eh, what savings?"
"It's a secret."
"I hope it's nothing weird!"
They exit the carriage (the train is a touristic attraction). Misaki is feeling really cold, Usagi makes fun of him for not wearing appropriate clothes. Misaki tells him it's his fault for changing the destination from Kyuushuu to Touhoku (Kyuushuu is really warm, while Touhoku cold, second to Hokkaidou).
They meet Usagi-haha and proceed to have lunch. It turns out that she decided to have the trip after getting a call from the Ninja (lolol). She also wanted to have a look at the scenery Usagi wrote about, which is in the vicinity.
After parting with Usagi's mother, Misaki asks Usagi about the scenery.
"I have read nearly all of your books, but I don't remember such scenery."
"I haven't written about it in my books."
"Here, I was right."
"I haven't written about it in books, but I did long ago write about it in a column of a magazine."
Misaki wants to reassure Usagi that his mother really cares about him, but Usagi dismisses the thought and says that she must have got it passed by from Tanaka.
Misaki reassures him that if she wasn't interested she wouldn't have read it. Misaki doesn't know what to say so he settles on "Usagi-san's books are amazing, after all"
Usagi laughs while Misaki mumbles.
U: "I'm so glad I came here with you"
M's thoughts: 'If you say anything more I feel like digging up a hole and burying myself inside it.'
They go outside and play around in the fresh snow. Misaki thinks he won't be able to have time to enjoy such things once he's working full-time. Usagi reassures him that the can return here if they want to. Misaki attacks him with snow, the snow twinkles mid-air.
U: "They look like stars (the snowflakes, Misaki, Misaki's eyes)"
Misaki's thoughts: 'Under the moonlight and street lamps' faint light, the snowflakes really appeared to be twinkling. Usagi-san also, like the stars in the sky, was shining. '
Sexy time:
They feel pretty sensitive, due to their bodies being cold from the snow.
M's thoughts: 'Is it because of the atmosphere or the coldness, but Usagi-san's XXX appears to be bigger than normally...' (I'm not kidding lol)
U: "Misaki, you're clenching on me (on my XXX) more than as usual."
M: "No way!"
They touch a bit more (I guess, it's been censored) and Usagi decides to take it back to the bed.
M: "Eh, I'm fine. It's enough as it is."
U: "So, what are you going to do about that? (points at Misaki's XXX)
M: "I'll do something about it myself"
U: "I won't let you. I still didn't get enough of you, Misaki. It's the same for you, right?"
Misaki hides under a towel because he's embarrassed and won't let Usagi kiss him.
U: "I understand. Then I'm also embarrassed." (proceeds to hid under the towel with him)
Misaki thinks about how much he wants to be with him and how much he wants Usagi to be happy.
Next day. Misaki sees some people getting off the train while he's dining.
He gets surprised by Kaoruko and Mizuki.
K: "You make as think that you're going to Kyuushuu, you've got the nerve to trick me!"
They also got the intel from the ninja. lol
U: "Misaki, let's return to our room."
Misaki's ending thoughts: 'After asking Mizuki about the price of the tickets, I felt like fainting.'

<raws few comments lower> <I'll try to do summarize the next chapter in few days>
Takahiro recalls the day of their parents' death (they had a small family-based design company and were about to travel to their client that lived far from Tokyo) and how Misaki was missing out on the fun things due to their situation after the parents' deaths. When he got to know that Misaki loved Kumas, he decided that he should take him to the Kuma Park and spend the day happily.
He tells the story to Manami, who is wondering whether Takahiro was aware that Misaki isn't the 10-year-old child anymore. She helped him to understand how mature and responsible Misaki really was (paying mostly all of his tuition fees, doing chores at Usagi's house etc.). Takahiro realized how Misaki had changed during the 4 years, it came as a shock to him how hesitant he was to leave Usagi's place). He also wondered how Usagi had changed, the way he used to smile changed (from a lonely smile).
Takahiro finally realized that he hadn't let Misaki have his say (how he ignored his opinion), so he decided to make a phone call.
T:"Misaki, it's about what we're going to do after your graduation. I was always forcing my opinions on you, without listening to you first. It wasn't to spite you."
M: "Ah, yes, I'm aware"
T: "At that dinner, Manami made me realize some things. I would like to talk with you, just the two of us. I want to hear your thoughts on this matter.''
M: "Okay" Then Misaki continued: "I understand your intentions. Sorry for making you worry. Thanks."
Takahiro's thoughts: 'Misaki always puts others first. He hasn't changed. If you have decided to do something, no matter what's the decision, I will surely listen to you ( face you and let you talk). I know that everything's going to be ok. After all, you're my little brother that I'm so proud of'
I'm crying. ╥﹏╥
For those who are searching for raws: https://novel18.syosetu.com/n8953dk/1/
My question is: is it a throuple? XD
or just a bait? XD
Damn bitches thank you very much (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
I cant read Japanese but Chrome have an auto translation ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I'd like to know tooo
The uke is the mate of Gail and Douglas. (from what ive read in the novel so far)
I freakin knew it!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh
Yay! Finally some breeze of fresh air! Thanks for the spoilers!
I guess I'll read it then. For those of you who want autotranslation -> remember to click on 18歳以上 before accessing the page!:D