Was that the jellyfish's true form? It looks like it had three eyes or something. I also read a comment on here that SHJ wasn't actually suppose to be in this scene, that his character wasn't present during this time. But they've changed some scenarios from where I last read off of the novel so. Also man I REALLY wish this tl group had stayed consistent with keeping the words hyung, ahjusshi, -ssi, -hyungnim, noona, unnie etc. Seeing Yoohyun call out Yoojin's actual name just does not give off the same feeling. Why did they decide to change it since like 20 some chapters ago. The inconsistency in that regard has been bothering me

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Be My Baby

This series is so unserious but it's just so fun to read. I have to say I'm really curious to see how their baby is going to look. Also will we actually get to see him with a big tummy or will the pregnancy part be skipped. Oh and I laughed at the wanted poster, very one piece lmao

But I miss when they kept it translated as hyung, unnie, noona, -ssi etc. It's been the same translator in the group for a good while now so I wonder why they stopped translating it that way. It's just weird seeing him call his older brother by his name. As for the jellyfish, man she's annoying.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Fanservice Paradox

I feel like they low-key censored or cut out the fake kisses lol. Anyways I love the art for this series.

Ok the severed limbs was something I was not expecting lmao. I hope his mother doesn't try to interfere since her own secretary said he seems happy.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of In The Deep

I swear the more I read, the more fucking confusing it gets. I do love the art style but I admit the story itself is what's getting to come back for every update. Like I seriously want to know wtf that alien looking creature was, is this an actual Aliens situation where he'll give birth, and if so oh god

Yes he was a piece of shit too but honestly with what he went through when he was younger, but more importantly what his older sister went through, I mean this is a good ending for him. He doesn't have the guy he fell for, not sure if we can truly consider it love? But he has his older sister now.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of High Pulse

I first decided to read this manhwa cuz I thought, the art is cute and the story was typical but not bad for the most part with it being a high school setting. But omg when authors just drag on the unnecessary drama it just comes to a point whether you debate to keep reading or drop it. The fact that he should just tell him the truth but won't is infuriating, also I never understood why he just assumed he would present as an alpha? Even saying he's a beta would've made more sense and he could've used inhibitors (I think that's what they're called) to mask the fact that he's an omega (what I've seen done in many other stories). By not wanting his boyfriend to find out the truth, his actions are just hurting him more than a simple confession would.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Semantic Error

Honestly if this ever gets a mature version, I hope it's from lezh*n and that they actually translate the manhwa because the way manta (or is it beyond?) did it honestly made me drop it at some point. Also I need to catch up to the novel cuz wdym they live to the US and live together (get married some are saying?) but the manhwa didn't show any of that. I've seen some stories that get side stories (extras) like a year or so after they've officially ended, so hopefully that could be the case here too.

The artist's depiction of this chapter is quite disappointing, idk if the chapters being shorter (they seem that way) is why they decided to portray the chapter like this. But if not, I mean I feel like they could've still shown some sort of distraught emotion on YJH's face, just something instead of his slightly put off stoic look. And the scene with Dokja and how he looked (plus felt) was completely different. It's just a shame cuz its not like we know if the artist made this choice of the prod team.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Double Bell

For the last short story that's the end??????? The way that fucking shocked me. They should've just left it as something smutty, that type of story deserve to be serialized as a full one and not a part of a short story project. No that ending left me feeling empty

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of An Abyss

Yesing why are you so dense! Granted he would've rejected Kiyan anyways, but had he actually understood that the poor baby was bring sincere he would've been more gentle with him. And while I get where he's coming from with what he said (tho Kiyan genuinely meant no harm), I do wish he'd be just as strict if not STRICTER with Shahid. Also really loving how Alvin is coming into himself and properly observing those around him, he did good on stopping Shahid from following those two, even tho the horny idiot went anyways smh. Also thank you nonstop for the character map! I honestly expected for Owen to have more enemies if I'm being honest lol. I know some want to see him end up with his nephew which

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Chirijiri Yuku no

They finally confessed! Usually it takes awhile for it to happen or they'd create misunderstandings but not this time. Also I just really love this little manga so much, would high key love for it to have like 20+ chapters

Why did I forgot this didn't actually finish!? Man a fourth season for a BL manhwa seems unheard of but I am SEATED. I forgot he lost his memories, now I'm sad. Also wtf what the big thing at the end, fucker looked huge.

The way his conclusion in the end was, is he comparing me to a worm? The mom's situation was messed up, the parents that end up like that and become abusive and resentful to their kids, it's just messed up. Also this isn't the first time I've seen the whole sister gets a crush on the guy, but usually it's a STEP sister (usually they haven't lived together for that long) so not blood related. But his actual HALF sister starting to crush on him is just fucking weird. And the way that the pov from the parents (usually the mom) is that the step son was the cause. Which could be the case but clearly wasn't here, if anything it should've been more concerning to her that her own daughter was becoming attracted to her blood related brother.

I like this story a lot, pretty art and a nice plot. I also like the different perspectives for some chapters, like the latest one caught me off guard a bit lol. Now I'm wondering is it too late or can the princess still heal her brothers (knights), or are they actually dead which would be really sad. And I have to say, I love that the demon retainer(?) does not look human, I was expecting a guy with horns.

The art looks so familiar that it's bothering me that I can't remember from where. I swear I've read two other danmei manhua with the same exact art style

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of In The Deep

Why is it almost if not ALWAYS tentacles. Who came up with this seriously. Why did this somehow become a sexual thing??? Also wtf is that creature, this is some Alien shit right here...

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Don't Touch My Tail

And another one I have to drop. Why do these official english translations ALWAYS use ENGLISH NAMES??? What is the fucking point, not sure if this ncomics is separate from tap*s or what but this is truly behind annoying. A shame cuz this was a very cute story too, and overall the translation is just, nothing against the uploader btw. Also thank you to the fan translator, you made this series worth reading.

So I'm guessing this is based on a novel? Anyways I looked up the manhwa raws and idk if that's the normal pacing or they're speeding things up in the manhwa BUT seems like MC is possibly starting his revenge arc already by chapter 11? So I would say those interested in the story for the plot and art, you should stick around. Like from what I saw he clearly liked ML but is not being a pushover by that point, in fact he's being smart and calculating which is good. Also since I'm not exactly MTLing it, I am curious how he got so far up the concubine hierarchy so quickly lol.