DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Part-Time Partner

As soon as he compared him to a dog, I was like oh you piece of shit. He honestly is so infuriating, cuz this inner monologue just tells us he's falling for Kyuho, I wouldn't call it love just yet. But he definitely likes him more than he wants to even admit to himself, so why the ever loving fuck does this asshole reject poor Kyuho in the recent chapters when he decides to confess. That's the shit that doesn't make sense to me and makes me wanna slap him, like I swear if there isn't a proper chasing arc and my boy better not give in easily to his ass.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of In The Deep

It's interesting how quickly and easy they got use to them? Especially the younger brother, dude just got his tentacles and he can already freely control them and release and hide them. Also the way I went oh no, when they started making out cuz I was worried it was going to lead to another sex scene. But at least finally more progress with the plot, whatever that may be.

Noo not this damn site again, why do these bots always do this it's so fucking annoying.

Was that a typo? How can the kid be the target's son and ML's niece, pretty sure they meant nephew. It's always weird to see official translations mess up and not fix these panels. Anyways I enjoyed the manhwaga's previous work so I'll looking forward to more of this one.

I love this little manga it's so cute. Idk if this is the current amount of chapters that are out yet or if it has more, hopefully this is a series that will go beyond 10 chapters, hell beyond 20. I do wanna see Fran grow older, turn into a teen and see him interact and become friends with the brunette boy who I believe is his future ML? Since this is based on a novel, I do hope it gets a faithful manga adaptation. I read a BL isekai one before that ended way too soon and left a lot out from the novel. Also it would be cute if this could be turned into an anime, with all the isekai works they have out why not something wholesome like this too.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Concealment

This I believe is a part of some short stories series that's being released, I saw the raws for it already and I just don't understand this story. Short or not what was the point of it, like I think the other ones go in the same mindbreak rape direction but THIS one in particular, with how young the MC looks and possibly is (I believe he's a teenager at best considering he was given away and taken in by the pedo father when he was a child). Obviously logic always goes out the window with these stories, but knowing his background, plus he can't even talk cuz he's mute, yet the ML is blaming him for his father being a sick piece of shit he basically bought a child to use as a muse and he became sexually attracted to? From what I saw though I can't tell if the pedo father actually did anything to him but he definitely got off on the sculptures he created of MC. Then the end of the story... like definitely seemed like mindbreak cuz why did it give off an almost "loving" feeling?...

Now the real question I have is if this artist will be continuing C*dename Anastasia since they were rightfully calling out the production company for the manhwa for how shitty they treated them.

So I'm just now finding out this is based on a novel, gonna read that soon and that it's held in the same universe as the rogue prince series? That really cool, now OK curious if both him and Ettiene ever meet. Also I've seen the raws and I'm definitely liking what I'm seeing so far plus the art is super pretty. Thank you to the translator for the hardwork and the uploads and for yet another good BL to read

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of In The Deep

Not his big ass having tentacles now too... The way I'm just waiting for the plot to keep moving forward cuz these two be fucking way too much lol

So exactly how old are they?? This chapter felt very out of place with the other story MC was telling, like idk what narrative to believe anymore

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Clumsy but Adorable

Hoping mosh scans uploads their version over these awful fucking mtl ones instead

Still love it just as much as the first time around, the art is so pretty and I love how they both fell in love with each other around the same time. Also it's kinda cute how they were each others first in everything, yeah Chaeheon is obsessive but at least he recognized from the start that it wasn't normal lol. And Jeongyoon still loves him either way and was rightfully freaking out and told him to stop too so. Also I just noticed we are in fact suppose to be getting side stories for this series, so I wonder when they'll finally be released.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of On To You

I expected the reveal to be more emotional, not to mention it ends right after and in a dull and abrupt way too.. Why do all the BL manhwa tend to end so quickly, yet I constantly see hetero ones that are 100+ chapters majority of the time.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of LOVE ME AGAIN

The guy is literally the spitting image of his mother, looks exactly like her and yet there's rumors he's possibly sleeping with her? Makes no sense, if anything there should be rumors of nepotism lol. Also I'm so tired of his ass, yeah he clearly seems like he had a harsh past, his grandma was all he had, mother is a worthless piece of shit and the boy he fell for seemingly betrayed him? But that doesn't excuse the abuse he's been inflicting on a very vulnerable and AMNESIAC Wooju. Until he gets his memories back, we won't know the full story and even then that still won't excuse the disgusting shit he's done to him.

I like this artist so I'm hoping their next BL is more wholesome like the first one that did.

The most important question is, will the artist from season 1 return or did they get a new one? I really love this art so it would really suck if they had to get a new one for season 2, but anyways I'm excited cuz I didn't expect this. Also it's good to see Manta is finally releasing the proper versions of these manhwa works, hopefully that means their translations get better too. Not to be rude but sometimes it seems off, also not fond of the font they use. I know this is way too much to ask, but if the 18+ version of season 1 gets released, will the lovely uploader be kind enough to upload those chapters.

Also I wonder if this means there's hope for those other two BL manhwa that have both been on hiatus for over a year, the necromancer one and the duke and knight one.

I know dude said he lacked emotions before meeting the MC, but I feel with how expressive he's been from the start, that hearing what the MC went through would horrify him. Also how the actual fuck was his ass clearly mutilated, them eating his flesh and yet we've seen him naked and I can't recall any major scars??? The creepy cult story is what's keeping me coming back to this really. Although it's confusing, but I could care less at this point of who could be end game for him since all of them, dead or alive seem like red flags.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Driver's High

Honestly with their breakup arc being so soon as the story just started, I had a feeling it was going to be short. But damn I didn't expect it to be THAT short, like I wanted to see more scenes of him driving, maybe an arc of him in a slump because a rival keeps one upping him etc. But at least Leo and JJ are happy, I'm hoping the side stories have no drama.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Part-Time Partner

His entire fucking disgusting rant has me pissed off. The gaslighting and acting like he's a victim? As far as I remember Kyuho just told him not to give the girl any sort of hope that they could be more than friends, it was his decision to stay away from her completely. Also calling him dirty? Basically implying cuz he's gay and doesn't do serious relationships that he fucks around with anyone unprotected? And just because his friend is also gay, he'll fuck him cuz yeah that's what all homosexuals do right? That type of shitty mindset from heterosexual people will ALWAYS piss me the fuck off. Kyuho is better than most of us cuz he should've punched his fucking face the minute he called him dirty and then walked out. And like other have mentioned, Kyuho asked if he wanted to date him and his bitch ass said NO, he didn't see what they had as being serious and only enough to be fuck buddies, but the bitch is acting like a jealous fucking boyfriend. FOH with that shit

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Gig of the Day

This person keeps uploading these shitty translations ruining many other series. Like enough, especially when it's a series with officials already out. Stop it seriously

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Undercover Darling

You see clear as day that the tl team has been uploading their translations and yet you still upload a crappy translation from that fucking site? Be for real, I hope the team uploads and deletes this fucking chapter. I hate when people do this

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Piercing Stab

Knowing the dark turn the story is going to take and poor baby Ahjin is going to be suffering to the point he wants to die... It's just heartbreaking, reading the raws had me so fucking mad, seriously fuck the freckled bitch. She was the one that was the spy and shit, I'm still left wondering if after Kang talked to her and she revealed what she did and how she used Ahjin's position close to him to make him seem suspicious instead, like did he do anything to her? Granted what he did with torturing and drugging him was his own doing BUT she set Ahjin up so that pisses me off. Also Ahjin's I guess she's like a grandmother to him? But seeing her stab Kang sad honestly satisfying but I hope she doesn't die.