This chapter was extremely uncomfortable to read and I feel like the author made it that way. We can see and almost feel Dan's discomfort and possibly his own disgust at himself for feeling anything (good on him for saying its a physiological response lol) towards anything Jaekyung does to him. He doesn't want to be in that situation but the poor guy thinks if he fucks him once that he'll finally fuck off for good after his therapy is over. And seeing Jaekyung actually give him a bj because he was trying to get a reaction out of him was just... like only now he's thinking of trying to pleasure him but for the wrong reasons. Seeing him at least be pissed off at his own actions not getting the response he hoped for is only a teeny tiny bit satisfying. Personally I didn't see anything "sexy" about this and I feel like the author showed that off well enough at least. After this scene happens, depending on whether they'll finish or something will make him stop, is when we'll see if she keeps up with using a similar chasing arc formula to her previous work.
No but I hope he fucking sued their asses cuz what the actual fuck
He too broke to sue XD