MANNNN that would hv been perfect as an ending cus my jaw ON THE FLOORRRR
WHERE is he finding those briefs omg im living for it
when finding revenge led yoohan to finding himself <33 NEED SIDE STORIES NEOOWWW
Is the wrath & dawn available here ? i read it on webtoon but im itching for eps huhu
this has sooooo many layers into it and im kimda excited for whats coming like, where is a og fl ? anwww i hope this dont disappointtt
i LOVE the favoritism towards seoryang but damn i LOVE daddy the most
IDK WHY BUT UM CRYING even on the chaps that were normal huhu they r so tight-knit and i hope they stay forever and i hope we’ll get more side characs drama
ok never thought merging ur average historical shoujo manhwa with Single’s Inferno type shit could EAT THIS GOOOOD arghhhh
literally casted my studies aside THIS IS HOW GOOD THIS IS OH MY what a gem i literally can't count how many times i teared up this is so so well-written and it ended perfectly
is mia designed after Elio? from Din & Tonics or am i TRIPPING
IN LOVE W THIS. its time to stop reading noncon bs omegaverse and start reading works like this that is humane and has lessons !
idk maybe its just me, but i actually rlly like how he ended up w his boss and not gido. not every story has to follow a whimsical, swoony trope that YOU would wanna be in. im happy that they are in a content relationship that has each others back no matter what. their inability to confess their feeling to each other shaped them and made them grow to the people they are. after all, falling in love, falling out of it, and finding new ppl is normal, and thats literally what this work is all abt. finding normalcy in relationships in this absurd society
WHERE CAN I READ THE NOVEL HUHU i love the pace so much !!! XD
THE DESPERATION IN THAT KISS?? im rooting for the king's brother but DAMN that is one hell of a make-out session
HELLOOOOO guys, not manga related, but does anyone remember the website that a LOT of ppl were using here that makes ur own avatar need it ASAP