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Laurent March 17, 2017 4:02 am

This is not a happy ending. This is not an ending that condones or romanticises pedophilia. This is a ending that bluntly shows what happens when pedophilic influence is exerted on a young child with an impressionable, breakable mind.

Despite the seemingly 'happily ever after' ending, the overarching atmosphere of bleakness clearly suggests otherwise.

Yui becomes a true victim of pedophilia, someone who obviously knows how horrendous the act of it is, and yet chooses to believe in his relationship with Kei, chooses to believe in misplaced love. Kei becomes someone who finds himself in a deadlock, he can't assimilate back into society after what he's done, he knows his own mind and concept of love is far too corrupted, far too twisted to ever find love in the boundaries of 'conventional' love—and so, realising he's too weak to break free from the cycle, he chooses to end it by settling with Yui. His last and final victim, and his only solace in receiving affection.

Harada shows how there are pedophiles out there, who continues to live on a life free of repercussions, no matter how despicably, how damnably they relished in the pleasures of acting on their pedophilia. Or on the flip side, they are trying to show how there are pedophiles who reform themselves, who try to pick up the pieces and create a semblance of a 'happy' life they can never have if they continued engaging in such a deplorable behaviour.

Harada shows the ugliness of child rape, and the vicious cycle of it where perpetrator births a victim, which in turn, is likely to develop into another perpetrator (just look at the statistics of the sheer amount of child rape victims who become child rapists themselves later on in life). Or perhaps, they remain victims, their mind and body forever bearing the invisible scars of a memory that they can never forget, or even worse, their minds become so irreparably broken that they feel it's alright to give an adult free reign of their body.

The story even shows how uncompromising and narrow-minded society is in their treatment towards pedophiles. Like homosexuality, it's not something that can be treated with things like conversion camps and sex therapy—some experts even argue that it can be considered a sexuality in and of itself. And yet, people still endorse these practices. It's not the right approach and it'll not only make their mental condition worsen, it may even sow seeds of discord and discontent inside them and their unhappiness towards society may cause them to eventually lash out by falling into pedophilia.

What majority of the society doesn't comprehend is that a person can have pedophilic tendencies, and yet have the moral courage and restraint to NOT act on it. The sad reality is that most people immediately jump on anyone who is suspected to be a pedophile, even those who may just want to seek help in controlling and understanding themselves. In society's eyes, they are branded irredeemable and contemptible creatures who are better off dead—people don't see (and don't try to) the difference between a child rapist and a pedophile, it's a blanket assumption that does much more harm than good. And I think, that needs to change.

I think it's wonderful that Harada manages to bring up all these points of contention through a mere 6-chaptered manga, and I believe this attests to the skill and talent they have in crafting not just the twisted stories they are known for, but also executing stories that are morally challenging and emotionally nuanced. To call this a happy ending would be doing a great disservice to the masterful narrative and the sheer amount of work poured into creating such realistic characters, full of flaws, and yet they shine with their raw humanity.

(This is not as coherent as I wanted it to be, certain words elude me and there are probably lots of grammatical errors since it's already been 2 days since I last slept... but how can I sleep when I see an update from Harada amirite?)

    Onapenny March 17, 2017 3:12 pm

    I agree with your analysis and your points were exactly how I treated/read this series. It was realistic as it could be and I treated it the same way. But I guess to me I'd still call it a "happy ending". In reality, there is no such thing but in this surreal universe sensei created, just the idea (and hope) that the cycle of pedophilia is finally over is giving me the "happy ending" vibes. I read the chapter so many times but I really don't feel Harada hinting that the characters' futures are going to dark, back to child rape or anything related to it.

    Yui, well aware of his situation and definitely understands everything better than Kei did, still chose Kei and with Kei taking responsibility and not getting abandoned, I don't see him becoming this universe's next pedophile.
    Kei, finally accepted an answer to the questions he had since he was separated with Ojisan.
    Ojisan, yes I know his new child's a BOY, but his face, finally shown, is totally empty, rather his head is. Like he has gone some serious psychotherapy to correct his mind and now living like a normal person, stripped off of his memories and his deeds.

    Nii-chan was a real clash of reality and fiction. I feel like sensei turned a study on pedophilia into a story wherein more people can understand pedophilia than reading a scientific article or book. Harada is really one of a kind.

Laurent March 9, 2017 3:24 pm

Poor translation aside (I'm still grateful that translator took the time to do all that), am I supposed to enjoy a story about a main character who's so adamantly homophobic that he can't even separate his personal preferences and work?

Forget the contrived plot development of Daewon getting kicked out of the house so that the story could progress to his living together with the other guy, the fact that he constantly berates people who are genuinely trying to help him puts me off. I'm not saying he's not entitled to be indignant after being forced into a voice-acting role he doesn't want to do, but his tantrum throwing has a limit before it becomes childish and extremely grating.

It's not wrong to feel uncomfortable, or even disgusted at homosexuality, especially in Korea where the LGBTQ scene is still being oppressed and shunned. I don't expect Daewon to magically start developing empathy, much less rainbow gay feelings towards a guy he just woke up half-naked in bed with. What I do expect, is at least a modicum of professionalism, if not respect, to someone who is just as accomplished as him in the voice-acting field, despite his 'less-than-agreeable' sexuality.

I understand that under-performing at your work because you're out of your comfort zone is one thing. One can be humble, and slowly take time to adapt.
However, blaming your poor performance on a co-worker (who's kind enough to let you live in his house even though you're just lambasting him 24/7 over his sexuality) and everyone else around you for it is another.

At this point in time, there is absolutely no redeeming feature in the MC—he is conceited, arrogant and has some serious sense of personal entitlement akin to thoroughly spoiled brat. He as a lot, a lot of growing up to do.

On the other hand, the other characters aren't that great either. The boss and Hyun-soo are pushy and unfeeling towards Daewon, you don't just dump a voice-acting contract, much less one with gay sex scenes onto a person who's so clearly unwilling to accept it. You don't joke around with a person who's clearly disoriented and panicky from finding himself waking up with another man. You don't continuously invade someone's personal space despite them already voicing out their dissent.

But meh, contrived plot development seems to be a running theme in this manhwa (and many other yaoi)... it'll probably be revealed that the MC is just some guy who's so far inside the closet that he comes off as homophobic, or he'll start magically developing said rainbow gay feelings after working together and living in close quarters with Hyun-soo despite Hyun-soo being nothing but a unsympathetic creep thus far.

TLDR; everyone needs to grow up.

The story has an interesting concept and premise, but the execution of it has been unfortunately lackluster. I really, really do hope the manhwa shows some great progression in the later chapters, or else it'd be a damn shame.

Then again, most people people don't usually read yaoi with an overly critical mindset like I do... So I suppose I'm going to get massively downvoted for this...

    Rinsama_ March 10, 2017 2:52 am

    the most reasonable comment they far..
    PS. your wording is so wonderful <3

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 5:05 am

    I don't understand how you can expect him to respect the coworker who constantly does literally nothing but hit on him. Even when they're discussing living together he hits on him... You talk about the seme letting the uke live with him like the uke should owe him something even though it's clear that the seme has ulterior motives and the uke didn't want to live with him to begin with, if he could he wouldn't live with him. I honestly don't think that him being kicked out of his house WAS just a plot device, i'm pretty sure that the boss and seme are working to together to manipulate the straight guy into a gay relationship with the seme. I think the boss might've had something to do with his house going up for auction, it's kind of weird how the boss's first reaction is to suggest that the two of them live together and then later tell the uke that he has to "practice at home" which would essentially give the seme all the opportunities in the world with the uke as the uke'd be practicing being gay with him... Don't you think the seme treats him strange too? He hits on him RELENTLESSLY and the uke fights back EVERY time only to be constantly told "you actually want it, don't you?" it's like the seme is planting the idea in the uke's head. He even says "the look in your eyes tells me you want it." which i think is the seme trying to make the uke think he wants it himself. He's touching the uke to get him physically turned on and then confusing him by telling him he wants it and using the uke's horniness as "proof" to confuse the uke further. It's mental manipulation and i think it's intentional. I honestly think this is a story about an unsuspecting straight guy being manipulated by a gay who likes him (don't mistake this for a pure love) and his boss (the boss always acts all innocent around the uke, right? i think this is intentional to get him to lower his guard, if you think about it in all the scenes where it shows the uke, the seme and the boss the uke is always trying to look towards the boss for help. The boss won't let his subordinate out of the gay voice acting contract despite the guy's clear discontent and i think the reason for this is that the boss is using the job to get them together more often.) I honestly feel bad for the uke because i don't think he ever had a chance... As far as him "not being professional", he tried to decline the job only to be told he had to because he signed a contract that he doesn't remember signing. He tried to remove himself from the situation, but was forced to stay so of course he isn't going to just be all "well, it sucks but i guess that's that!"... I guess my point is that i don't see anything wrong with the way the uke acted at any point in the manga, i realize some of the things he says are kind of harsh, but it's the seme who keeps putting himself in a position where he can be criticized like that. The seme won't stop approaching him and even hitting on him, which as a homophobe must freak him out. The only time the uke says anything harsh to the boss is when he's protesting doing the job that he is being forced to do, he's making an effort to do the job, but is bitching while doing it about how he "doesn't like homos" because he doesn't want to even be doing the job. My point is that literally EVERY time the uke says something harsh like that it's because he's put in a position that stresses him out and he's saying he doesn't like it.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 5:10 am

    His issue with the seme wasn't even initially that he was gay/bi, he just didn't like him because the attention was being stolen from his voice acting to the seme's. The issue became homosexuality when the seme started to show interest in him and it made him uncomfortable. All his "i hate homos" comments after that are in response to the seme trying to hit on him... he's trying to say "why are you hitting on me?"

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 5:22 am
    His issue with the seme wasn't even initially that he was gay/bi, he just didn't like him because the attention was being stolen from his voice acting to the seme's. The issue became homosexuality when the seme... youraedthiswrogn

    I don't know if i'm making this clear enough, what i'm trying to say is that you seem to not like the uke because he says homophobic things too often; you feel as though he is being rude to the seme, but i'm saying that he only says those things in response to the seme hitting on him so the seme is bringing it upon himself and the uke has every right to say what he says. The uke isn't just randomly being rude, he's making it aware that he isn't okay with anything gay because the seme keeps advancing on him. My other point is that i think you might have missed some VERY dark undertones about the seme and boss, as stated above i believe they're mentally manipulating the uke into a gay relationship, the uke is a helpless straight guy caught in the trap set by the boss and seme. At the very least you can see that through all of their sexual encounters the seme will first physically turn on the uke by touching him, tell the uke that it seems like he wants it (planting the idea in his head) and then point out the uke being horny as some kind of "proof" that the uke wants it to confuse him about his sexuality, he seems to be slowly trying to brainwash the uke. For the boss's part in the scheme, i think the boss acts innocent to the uke's face to make the uke feel safe around him intentionally. I believe the boss was behind the house being suddenly put on auction and i think this case is made a little stronger by the boss suggesting the uke iives with the seme and then later telling the uke that he has to "practice -the gay voice acting job- at home" which literally gives the seme all the opportunities in the world as the boss is literally telling the uke to "go pretend to be gay with the seme". I think it's all their plan to brainwash the uke gay. I feel sorry for the uke because he had no chance...

    Laurent March 10, 2017 6:18 am
    I don't know if i'm making this clear enough, what i'm trying to say is that you seem to not like the uke because he says homophobic things too often; you feel as though he is being rude to the seme, but i'm sa... youraedthiswrogn

    So your entire diatribe spanning 3 comments would have been entirely pointless if you read my entire comment instead of just jumping right into protecting the uke without seeing that I raise up some problematic issues with the boss and Hyun-soo. Again, your entire comment is based on assumptions and imaginary scenarios where both the boss and Hyun-soo are in cahoots to brainwash Daewon. My comment is simply addressing issues that I see in the story as of now, you're going 10 steps further by assuming themes and undertones that are, as of yet, not 100% certain to even exist in this manga. I do not write reviews based on the hypothetical.

    Laurent March 10, 2017 6:55 am
    His issue with the seme wasn't even initially that he was gay/bi, he just didn't like him because the attention was being stolen from his voice acting to the seme's. The issue became homosexuality when the seme... youraedthiswrogn

    His issue with the Hyun-soo at first definitely wasn't the fact that he was bisexual, why? Because he didn't know he was REALLY bisexual at that point in time.

    From Chapter 2, Page 6—right before the seme has actively shown any kind of sexual interest in Daewon, he clearly said, "I didn't even do anything to you." And what does Daewon reply with? "Why should I believe a homo like you?"

    Note that this happens before Hyun-soo began to actually hit on Daewon. You are simplifying the matter when you say that Daewon is simply being uncomfortable with Hyun-soo being a creep in his romantic advances (and yes, he is a creep, I didn't say he wasn't, you were being selective), it's more than that. From what I cited above, it's clear that Daewon views homosexuals as sexual deviants who prey on the unsuspecting and have their way with them—he immediately views himself as the victim upon waking up in bed with another man despite the fact that BOTH of them were drunk the night before.

    I did entertain the idea that the author was perhaps trying to subtly insert dark undertones in this manhwa (because my review would have been entirely different if this was the case), but I've already read up until Chapter 13 in Chinese—the entire style of the manga is still what it started with since Chapter 1, light-hearted, vibrant, colorful and comical (or at trying to be). And if you're familiar with Korean manhwas or just kdramas in particular, contrived and convenient plot devices are littered everywhere in those works, and judging from the 13 chapters I've read, they are indeed a running theme in this work. Given all these, I'm not inclined to believe that Hyun-soo or the boss are conspiring together to machinate a grand brainwashing.

    Laurent March 10, 2017 6:56 am
    the most reasonable comment they far.. PS. your wording is so wonderful <3 Rinsama_

    Thank you!! You flatter me ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 1:00 pm
    His issue with the Hyun-soo at first definitely wasn't the fact that he was bisexual, why? Because he didn't know he was REALLY bisexual at that point in time. From Chapter 2, Page 6—right before the seme has... Laurent

    My point was that you seem to not like the uke beacuse you believe that he is acting too harsh towards the seme, but i believe the seme brings it on himself. You think the uke is being too harsh, but maybe you should look through again and notice how the seme hits on him RELENTLESSLY which leads to the uke constantly berating him with homophobic remarks. Also, in the scene you're mentioning (ch 2 page 6) the context is that the seme just raped him while he was drunk and is coming out as bisexual the next morning when they wake up together so of course he calls him a homo... this is what i mean about you possibly not fully understanding the uke's position in the story.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 1:07 pm
    So your entire diatribe spanning 3 comments would have been entirely pointless if you read my entire comment instead of just jumping right into protecting the uke without seeing that I raise up some problematic... Laurent

    An assumption has no evidence backing it, i gave evidence. when i said that they're "in cahoots" i showed multiple instances in-manga that make this appear to be the case. Lets just say i'm putting together what i believe to be the case based on in-manga scenes (a theory). I actually DID read your entire comment and did see that you have problems with the boss and the seme being too pushy and i agreed with your entire statement besides ONE little thing, that the uke has no redeeming features and your over all bad impression of him. I was addressing this ONE thing specifically in response to your entire statement because it was the only thing i disagreed with and was trying to explain why by showing you the instances in manga that made me believe that you're misunderstanding the uke. My comment is also addressing an issue that i see within the story as of now, i actually see all of what i said in the manga from the way they act towards the uke, this is what i took from the story while reading.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 1:15 pm

    Now that i've explained myself, try and read my 'i don't know if i'm making myself clear enough' reply, it's where i was trying to condense my response and make it easier to understand.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 1:25 pm

    In this: "he fact that he constantly berates people who are genuinely trying to help him puts me off. I'm not saying he's not entitled to be indignant after being forced into a voice-acting role he doesn't want to do, but his tantrum throwing has a limit before it becomes childish and extremely grating." section of your statement you seem to think that the seme and boss are just pushy, but genuinely trying to help him in some way and i don't see that. The seme just wants in his pants as made obvious by him hitting on him every time they're together and the boss only says things that make the seme and uke closer, seriously, go through and read all of the boss's dialogue it's like he's just there to give the seme opportunities which is why i think they're in cahoots. Also, just calling the seme "pushy" isn't enough to me, he literally won't stop no matter what. Read the forced jerk off scene again, the uke is saying he doesn't need it and yelling no! stop! the entire time and he just keeps going, there literally isn't a scene where the uke isn't protesting the seme's advances with all his might where the seme doesn't just plow through and get what he wants anyways. I think the reason the uke acts the way he does (all bitchy and blushy towards him) is because he is constantly being sexually assaulted by him and then told "you actually want it, right?" and that "the look in your eyes tells me you want it" (he's saying that because the uke got turned on by his touch that he wants it, which is ridiculous because it's just a natural physical reaction.) despite the uke clearly fighting him off each time.

    Laurent March 10, 2017 1:56 pm
    In this: "he fact that he constantly berates people who are genuinely trying to help him puts me off. I'm not saying he's not entitled to be indignant after being forced into a voice-acting role he doesn't want... youraedthiswrogn

    I've already read it. Like I said, you're giving this manhwa too much credit, the mangaka clearly has no hand in making any sort of dark undertones known in this manga, it's been 13 chapters and there's still not a single instance of any sort of manipulation. I'll tell you what's going on in Chapter 13, there's somehow a male and female love rival making themselves known to Daewon and the seeds of jealousy are taking root. Sounds like a typical, run-of-the-mill yaoi at this point, no?

    Also, there's absolutely no EXPLICIT indication of any manipulation going on, and the basis of all your defense of him thus far is the fact that he's being manipulated into living with Hyun-soo.

    In fact, in the raw chapters, he even decided to leave the Hyun-soo's house because he couldn't take it anymore and stayed in a hotel instead. This clearly proves that he has the necessary expenses required to at least live temporarily in a hotel before he manages to find a proper accommodation. He could have easily rejected the boss's suggestion for him to live with the seme's house if that's the case. The voice-acting offer cannot be rejected due to the stipulated contract, that I can understand. But you cannot justify that he's being cornered into living with the seme. Was there any invisible contract mentioned in Chapter 3 that literally forced Daewon to live with the seme? I don't think so. Even if he didn't have the expenses to live in a hotel (which he clearly does), do you think a grown man of his age wouldn't have friends or acquaintances that he could have requested help from? Out of all the company employees at the studio, there wouldn't be at least one person willing to lend a helping hand?

    If you're so insistent on saying that the uke is defenseless, he's not. He could have threatened lawsuit under the fact that he was forced to sign the contract in an inebriated state, there would have been many witnesses he could've chosen from (it was a company drinking session) who would have supported his statement by giving an alibi such that his reputation would have emerged unscathed from the whole lawsuit. His career would have been fine (he could easily find another job seeing how accomplished he is), and most of all his free-will would not have been so compromised.

    Which is why I'm saying he's tantrum-throwing because he had ways out, he had PLENTY of ways out—he CHOSE not to utilize them and instead continuously put himself in the situation of being sexually harassed by someone who's so clearly unrepentant in doing it.

    And all these is why I'm calling this plot sloppy. He doesn't have only 2 people in his life, he has plenty more. And yet, the author makes it seem as though Daewon is utterly helpless in this situation. That is contrived story-telling.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 2:06 pm
    I've already read it. Like I said, you're giving this manhwa too much credit, the mangaka clearly has no hand in making any sort of dark undertones known in this manga, it's been 13 chapters and there's still n... Laurent

    You're using a scene in the raws showing him leaving the house because he doesn't want to be there as proof that he didn't mind being there as much as i make it out to be? As far as him filing a law suit, maybe he didn't have the money? Also, if you take into account the bad publicity his career might not just be okay afterwords. I'm not saying the uke was FORCED to live with the seme, just that he REALLY didn't want to so i don't see why you think he owes the seme anything, he doesn't want to be there and the seme clearly wants him there so he can hit on him all the time (which he does, and his advances even get more bold). The only thing i said he was FORCED into is the contract which i'm sure could be made null if agreed upon on both sides, the boss literally wont let him out. If the actor doesn't want the part why should they keep him instead of getting someone more willing? To me its obvious that he's using the contract to give the seme chances. There is no EXPLICIT scenes, but there're clear undertones, which is why i said you might be missing some "undertones" not "explicit scenes". Also, if you look again the girl has a ring on her finger so i don't think she is a "love rival", this is what i mean by you missing things and possibly not understanding.

    Laurent March 10, 2017 2:25 pm
    You're using a scene in the raws showing him leaving the house because he doesn't want to be there as proof that he didn't mind being there as much as i make it out to be? As far as him filing a law suit, maybe... youraedthiswrogn

    Lmao. It's not that he didn't mind, it's that he has CHOICES that could have drastically changed the situation he's in right now. You're saying he's being manipulated into living with the seme, if that's the case, is that not 'forced'? Or is there a better word you would like to use?

    Again, I said any bad publicity would have been nullified because he would have proper alibi and evidence, if anything, the company will be the one coming under fire for forcing their employee into doing such a thing and he would have been properly reimbursed.

    Now you're saying money is the issue? I didn't say he didn't mind being there as much as you made it out to be, but please do answer what I asked.

    "Do you think a grown man of his age wouldn't have friends or acquaintances that he could have requested help from? Out of all the company employees at the studio, there wouldn't be at least one person willing to lend a helping hand?" This choice doesn't need any money, assuming he doesn't have any.

    I'm saying the female is a love rival as of now because through Daewon's eyes, he THINKS that is the case, if you can't read the speech bubbles at that page, he's saying, "A Hotel? Didn't he say he was gay, but now being with a woman is alright too?" My mother tongue is in Chinese and you're trying to educate me on things I'm 'missing' and 'not understanding' when I'm reading raws in a language I'm fluent in?

    I see the undertones, but I refuse to give the mangaka any credit for doing it deliberately, because her story has been nothing but contrived and convenient thus far. If there was even any hint of intelligent narration or plot progression, I would have immediately agreed with the case you're making here, but from my own interpretation, this story has been nothing but lazy in its story-telling, and so I will only believe it when there's an explicit indication of deeper manipulation going on.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 2:30 pm

    have you read chapter 5 of 'warehouse'? i feel the rape scene in this chapter can perfectly describe what i feel is happening every time the seme advances on the uke in this manga. You see the kidnapper starts to feel up the guy and when the guy reacts to his touch he says "feeling good already?" and "feels good?", implying that the uke actually wants the advances just because he reacts to physical stimulation. the only difference in the two situations to me is that in 'warehouse' the uke doesn't get swept along, so far he's hated the kidnapper the entire manga while as the uke in this manga gets swept along. It's the same situation only present two different ways, in one the seme is obviously a rapist while as in the other the seme is all smiley and friendly. The only reason people don't think he's a rapist is because he's presented all friendly. They say the same things only the seme in this manga seems "too nice" to be a rapist.

    Laurent March 10, 2017 2:37 pm
    have you read chapter 5 of 'warehouse'? i feel the rape scene in this chapter can perfectly describe what i feel is happening every time the seme advances on the uke in this manga. You see the kidnapper starts ... youraedthiswrogn

    EXACTLY. The seme in this story is basically a glorified sexual predator (he's not a rapist yet since he hasn't actually had sexual intercourse with him, which is why I haven't called him as such). Which is why I'm saying the uke has no redeeming features, other than being loud in his protests, he's basically no different from the stereotypical push-over uke that lets himself get swept along with the seme-which is what pisses me off.

    Laurent March 10, 2017 2:39 pm

    I'm glad we can at least agree on this point. And really... Anon, don't need to be so rude.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 2:39 pm
    Lmao. It's not that he didn't mind, it's that he has CHOICES that could have drastically changed the situation he's in right now. You're saying he's being manipulated into living with the seme, if that's the ca... Laurent

    "Do you think a grown man of his age wouldn't have friends or acquaintances that he could have requested help from? Out of all the company employees at the studio, there wouldn't be at least one person willing to lend a helping hand?" This choice doesn't need any money, assuming he doesn't have any." -because SO many rape victims are just willing to open up to someone and admit that they were raped... he's humiliated. How is she a love rival? He doesn't even seem to love the seme first off and secondly isn't that Daewon's ex? why would she be a love rival between daewon and the seme? I don't think he's freaking out about some girl showing up, i think its obvious that he's surprised to see his girlfriend pop up out of nowhere. You interpreted that scene as him getting jealous of a girl being around his seme? how? Also, "Again, I said any bad publicity would have been nullified because he would have proper alibi and evidence, if anything, the company will be the one coming under fire for forcing their employee into doing such a thing and he would have been properly reimbursed." -How would the company come under fire, they have a contract and how would he have a proper alibi and evidence? the alibi i understand, IF he was willing to tell someone he was raped (isn't it considered embarrassing to be raped in korea, more specifically for a male to be raped by a male? wouldn't that be why he doesn't say anything to anyone?), but the evidence, how would he have evidence that he was forced into the contract? They were all drunk and i feel it's likely that they got the uke alone to get him to sign the contract.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 2:42 pm
    I'm glad we can at least agree on this point. And really... Anon, don't need to be so rude. Laurent

    thank you.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 2:42 pm
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    we're having a debate, if you have nothing decent to contribute then feel free and stay out of it.

    youraedthiswrogn March 10, 2017 2:43 pm

    i have to go to work, i'll be back on later.

    Laurent March 10, 2017 2:53 pm
    "Do you think a grown man of his age wouldn't have friends or acquaintances that he could have requested help from? Out of all the company employees at the studio, there wouldn't be at least one person willing ... youraedthiswrogn

    Now you're giving me a headache. You're saying he's been raped? He wasn't raped. Maybe the poor translation gave you a misunderstanding, maybe he did make out with him, but he was not raped. Until the uke really remembers with clarity what happened that night, rape is still not confirmed.

    The contract is the contract, you're mixing it up with the 'possible' rape. I'm saying that he can sue the boss for unlawfully making him to sign a contract that he would have never signed if he was sober.

    Chapter 1 already states that it was a company drinking session, there would have been many employees at the bar that night that would be able to testify that Daewon was not sober enough to give proper consent to signing the contract--he wouldn't have to open up about the 'possible' rape if he wanted to sue. If they did get the uke alone to get him to sign the contract, he was already very drunk before that, and if there's a witness, there would have been enough grounds for a lawsuit.

    youraedthiswrogn March 11, 2017 3:03 am

    chapter 4, page 7: "we've already slept together." "it was against my will." This heavily implies that they had sex and that it was against the uke's will, if you want to interpret this as them having actually SLEPT together, then be my guest but...

    youraedthiswrogn March 11, 2017 3:04 am
    Now you're giving me a headache. You're saying he's been raped? He wasn't raped. Maybe the poor translation gave you a misunderstanding, maybe he did make out with him, but he was not raped. Until the uke reall... Laurent

    Also, why do you assume that they were still at the party when he signed the contract? If this is premeditated like i think it was then don't you think the boss'd have pulled him away?

    youraedthiswrogn March 11, 2017 3:08 am
    Now you're giving me a headache. You're saying he's been raped? He wasn't raped. Maybe the poor translation gave you a misunderstanding, maybe he did make out with him, but he was not raped. Until the uke reall... Laurent

    You make it sound like it'd be hard to pull off what i'm saying, but it really wouldn't, all they'd have to do is wait till he got drunk and then pull him away saying they're taking him home (or any excuse, really.) and then get him to sign the contract. He'd have no witness to testify for him and he'd have signed the contract himself so there'd be no getting out of it. It's a VERY simple and easy to pull off plan.

    youraedthiswrogn March 11, 2017 3:10 am
    Now you're giving me a headache. You're saying he's been raped? He wasn't raped. Maybe the poor translation gave you a misunderstanding, maybe he did make out with him, but he was not raped. Until the uke reall... Laurent

    Btw, i didn't dislike your post, i wonder who did?

    youraedthiswrogn March 11, 2017 3:33 am
    have you read chapter 5 of 'warehouse'? i feel the rape scene in this chapter can perfectly describe what i feel is happening every time the seme advances on the uke in this manga. You see the kidnapper starts ... youraedthiswrogn

    ch 6* my bad!

    Laurent March 11, 2017 10:57 am
    You make it sound like it'd be hard to pull off what i'm saying, but it really wouldn't, all they'd have to do is wait till he got drunk and then pull him away saying they're taking him home (or any excuse, rea... youraedthiswrogn

    Nah, it's common to get downvoted on mangago whenever you voice out an opinion that are along the lines of, "OMFG (MC names) PLEASE BANG ALREADY."

    Nope, it wouldn't be hard to pull off. All I'm saying is someone at the party would've already saw him drunk before they pulled him away from the crowd, and that'll be enough grounds for a lawsuit. The court won't be sympathetic to someone who claims they are intoxicated during the signing, but if there are witnesses that can guarantee their intoxication—the court can then rule that the offender knew about the intoxication, and deliberately took advantage of it. Bars, and especially bars in Asia, usually have CCTVs as well (because things like drugging and sex trafficking happen), so even if no witnesses dared to step forth, the CCTV would've provided enough evidence to show that Daewon's intoxicated beyond awareness of the legal complications (his erratic actions are enough to justify that). The reason why I'd said it's easy is also because of the nature of the voice-acting contract, it's a BL porno. And while you can say this is exploitation of a wrongful social stigma, Daewon can make a more convincing stand for himself precisely because of this fact as anything to do with LGBT is extremely frowned upon in South Korea, especially in the legal context. The law would be more inclined to side with the one they automatically 'feel' is the one being exploited.

    It's easy to pull of the plan, and it's still easy to expose it. These are all basic things I learnt even before I even interned at a law firm (which ironically made me not want to pursue it because of the loopholes and biases like I mentioned above), so for this to not occur to Daewon is really unbelievable.

    Anyway, I will be really busy henceforth so I'm afraid I can't continue this discussion with you any longer. Good day. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    youraedthiswrogn March 11, 2017 2:35 pm
    Nah, it's common to get downvoted on mangago whenever you voice out an opinion that are along the lines of, "OMFG (MC names) PLEASE BANG ALREADY."Nope, it wouldn't be hard to pull off. All I'm saying is someone... Laurent

    That's fine, i'm not sure i could bring anything to the table to rebuttal what you bring forth anyways . ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ You bring a very sound argument in the case he could build against the boss and it'd probably take me too long to think of any kind of counter-argument. It was fun talking/debating with you as well, thank you. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

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supremecurt March 28, 2018 8:40 am

Hi! Your review of Itoshi no Mirai-kun caught my attention. I also checked your Faves list (totally not stalker-ish *fidgets* lol) and I feel like we'll get along haha or hopefully we will?

JazTheLazyAss January 5, 2016 1:56 am

I see someone who understands the awesomeness which is Ichikawa Kei (●'◡'●)ノ

Laurent January 5, 2016 2:08 am


So I finally created an account because the amount of bookmarks I have of yaoi manga are overflowing and I was desperately in need to sort them out so here I am!!

( ° ʖ °)! Please take care of me.

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