I hope someone translates Placebo its the same author that made this webtoon its soo fking hot i saw it on tiktok if i search placebo in here its not showing and i tried googling it and its not the same the only showing to me isa that a manhua and not the same hahahahahha sorry if u cant understand this hahahahahah

Csn someone tell me what chapter is when yeon is going to some place with the emperor and the rest of his subordinates and yeon is tired and might fall off his horse so the emperor rode with yeon and the emperor felt a bump in his chest and realized that she is the woman that hes looking for all this time..... Plsssssss

Oh it's [email protected]
Omgosh the comments are back!!!!
Where have you been lol
Was that necessary?
were u in a coma
Yeaaahhh the comments were disabled before because of an issue. I only noticed it now that the comments are back (≧∀≦)
They probably never checked the comments cause they'd been disabled for so long
It was a joke chill