Can anyone recommend me any pretty manga art?
(Mostly looking for gl or straight.)
Ah I have a list just for that actually kek
y’all have too much time to be defending this trash story like there’s actually something wrong w u
Of you don't like it then don't read it simple as that it's a story some people like me like ok something called imagination, so u can fuck off to ur princess house if you don't like it no body begged you to read it lololol
struck a nerve?
Nah just couldn't stand stupid people who say they don't like it come read it and rate it
Different opinions exist, shocker i know. Also OP is correct who in their right mind wasting theyre time trynna defend this...its like trying to convince someone love is an illusion is a really good story .
Yeah I cannot stand stupid people liking this story either. I mean among thousands good BL out there, they chose the worst one. That can be a problem
There is a group of people who defended me, a rape survivor, that had misinformation spread on them. Their accounts are Jinx only accounts and they stand up to the haters and correct their lies. They are just defending the facts. They are not the target audience. They will fight to allow the target audience to take back over. You need to leave, you are not the target audience and you don’t need to be here harassing people. There is nothing wrong with people liking this story or defending it. I don’t like it. I don’t like Jk. I will defend it. Please leave people alone. There is something wrong with you to write this attacking people. Be careful I will attack you back if you attack me.
I never understood people saying don't read if you hate it. Like how else am I suppose to know I hate it if I don't read it
It is chapter 34. You should know.
I dropped it at chapter 30. If you don’t like it don’t read it.
However, with how the haters are, they are more toxic than the story, I am giving the story a second chance but I am waiting to see how it goes.
If you read to a point and you don’t like it. Drop it. It is that simple. If you don’t like horror stories, you know not to read the horror story. It is not hard to understand. Where are you lost in understanding?
Why yall people always said that when someone doesnt like a story that they fucking read like??? Its literally a common sense that when u dont like a story theyre allowed to say theyre opinion on the comment section, and its ironic cause ur saying that lmao, if u dont like peoples opinion on the story they fucking read, dont even go to the comment section lmaoooo (this type of argument is dumb as hell likeeeee this is tge reason why comment section exists
Thankkk youuuu omg someone who is reasonable
The tags and summary like some people be like omgg he rale him when the tags and some other readers had put a warning and those who don't like raps come and complain where there is clearly a warning like anyways I'm just saying those who don't like rale could Cleary see that the comments had warnings and still read it to say something bad which I don't get
Can u even read I'm saying if they don't like raps they shouldn't have read, the comments and tags arldy warned that there is raps bro but I honestly couldn't carelsss she was just brainless which is why I said that
Shocker u have a brain? Haha jokes im just saying she could have kept it to herself if you don't like chocolate you don't go yelling to everyone that you don't like it do u, at least not to strangers
This comment is such a logical fallacy, you dont go to strangers out of nowhere saying you dont like something of course. But in a comment section about a story? You should be able to say things that are relevant. Youre saying she could have kept it to herself but you could've kept your opinion to yourself as well?? Dont you see how that backfires on you? You cant go around trying to police people on what to say unless its outrageous man, and even then its not like you can control them. You have a right to comment your opinion but all you've been saying to op is Ad Hominem. Though, its not like op was so different lol.
bruh there are still active 2012 users still out here commenting on shit
No but they're from 2015 and actually have a W opinion, too many ones from 2019 and below are predators who like shota and loli . Like where the dub opinions at???
Well not necessarily a W but a normal one, i have seen too mucn outta pocket shit from these senior citizens
did you have to go there?
but fr, love is an illusion did some backwards character development and everyone is acting like shits cool
wait, I confused love is an illusion and shape of sympathy
Ngl, Love is an Illusion is genuinely a good story minus Dojin. Like...especially the side stories with Chowon
confused love is an illusion and shape of sympathy for some reason, fml
I love Love is an Illusion (minus Dojin), likeee, the story is good tbh. Especially Chowon's and Dojun's (minus that rut chapter) side stories
it didn't send so I sent it twice, fuck mangago
The whole story telling of Haesung (?) and dojun was trash bro, like legit the author was on crack when they wrote that
fr fr most 2014-2017 mfs have the wildest opinions on this planet
Do you mean a form of sympathy? That shits trash too and the ML is a pos
I know right! I dropped it at the first few chapters too cuz it was really shit at first but the character development was going ok I gusse so I picked it up again
Then drop it nobody beefed you to continue different opinion shockerrrr
8+ years reading bl. I think I have the right to criticize people with fuk up BL mindset
You right be nice tho
You better not be talking about Heesoo (assistant/best friend) and Dojun (brother w/ glasses). Hyesung and Dojin is an F but, as long as my baby Hyesung is happy and healthy, he went through too much to suffer more. Heesoo and Dojun was a beautiful love story of a starstruck boy who fell for the incorrect brother (Dojin) when Dojun was right there all along and he accepts him for who he is and loves him even though there;s all that omegaverse shit and he's a beta and blah blah blah. Then, only for them to realize in a passionate moment that they belong together even though thats your brothers best friend and weird omegaverse logic
If we ignore the fact that Heesoo was drunk and forget the rut chapter, they're a beautiful couple. We also gotta forget that Dojun liked him ever since they first met but...when they met Heesoo was a kid. They adults now so its cool...except thats a bit predatory ngl...
Dojin and Hyesung is an F, Dojun and Heesoo is iffy, but if you don't like Chowon and Kyungsoo...you deadass have no soul...Chowon gets therapy, Kyungsoo gets consent...beautiful...