Leaving things at 4 endings I mean. Also, like if you do that, might as well give us the poly version as well.

This is like super duper just like that one other manga, legitttt the same how come no one mentioned it?

When they're in the maze, at the end of the ch, he is the one warning her not to talk and stopping her from making noise, and in the beginning of the next one, she is the one to do that, with a literal kabedon lol, and then the maze turns into a fucking forest??? Must've been crunch time and they were all like, who cares who cares just finishhhh

bookmunchies created a topic of Tora to Hachidori

Fr tho it was really high quality then all of a sudden it's a bit off and weird?

bookmunchies answered question about question
About this, I wouldn't really put much stock on other people's opinion about your own label. If you are interested in putting a name to your current situation you should do some research independent of other peoples takes. If you are bothered by your lack of interest in the people you date, have you asked yourself the reason you entered the relati......

Tbo I wish she felt rage and hatred for him, instead of defaulting to ah this must be some sort of a mistake and misunderstanding, then feeling pity and being sympathetic to him, like, he is slaughtering people no matter what the reason, and he will keep slaughtering people. It doesn't really matter that he offers a kind word to one of the survivors of his massacres when he is the one literally planning all of it. There's something to be said about continuing with your wrong decisions even knowing they're wrong and just creating suffering, just because YOU have something you want more than to NOT KILL all these people.
Also the way they are always so careless in the middle of a dangerous situation, I mean fr even if you have some power, you're not used to combat? Like make a rational choice in that situation and keep yourself safe first? Do you even understand the fact that they are your security detail and that if something happens to you that's it for them? Just open the window instead of going insane and putting your body out of the carriage and letting it hang there in a perfect position to extremely easily be harmed by smn for fucks sake, esp when you don't know how to keep your guard up and take notice of your surroundings because, again, you are not a combatant and have never in your life done anything even close to training yourself for fights.

Already on here with more ch too. why even reupload it and not put down the mangaka so ppl can't find the og one.

bookmunchies created a topic of Fools

For the last few ch, they uploaded a normal official tl which has their real actual names and not the racist travesty of tapas when it was just starting to host korean manhwa.

bookmunchies answered question about question
It's best to try to change some of your everyday situation, try going out somewhere, to an event, meet up with people. If you're frustrated with your job, try looking for other options of employment. If you live with your parents maybe try moving away and becoming independent if possible.
bookmunchies answered question about question
Tbo this seems like a you problem, that is going to become an issue over time if it didn't already. You keep doubting the person you're dating and wanting him to isolate himself so you can feel more comfortable, which just leads to frustration and causes hurt because it seems like he is just so untrustworthy and such scum that interacting with othe......

After the time skip it went super down hill, the romance too is done super badly. Idk better leave it out entirely than inject it into the plot like this

bookmunchies answered question about question
Tbo you put a lot of thought and effort into this and they neither care nor appreciate it, and overall seem very disinterested in the entire thing. If this is how it usually plays out, with you planning everything and them just saying yes and no, it might be that they grew bored and maybe even sick of the dynamic, and are now taking everything for ......
bookmunchies answered question about question
The thing you want is to find out if the skin problems are caused by hormone disbalance or by skin bacteria, depending on which the way to treat it is different. Tbo acne and skin issues in general are better fixed by fixing the cause then treating the symptoms. If you are already taking care of your skin, and the issue isn't with one of the produc......

Fucking really, making the usa assassinations seem like a good thing.... sick and twisted


Why would you change the genres even if you did reupload this? It's pretty clearly a seinen and not a josei or shoujo, the fanservce is really thick and the catering to the male character and readers both are glaring, so it gets a person disappointed if they come looking for josei. While it's pretty interesting it's super annoying how much they push the whole seductive and air headed one-san angle.

What's up with her face in the last ch, they cutiefied it so much....

bookmunchies created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

You get that he's angry? You get that he's fucking angry????? Do you know how he's been living for 10 years? And you never fucking contacted him through it all? And now that you fucking meet this is how you act? This whole entire time you were sitting on money and him? How did he live? I seriously don't care what was up in your life but to act like that, as if you're the only victim here, when he was years younger than you, completely abandoned and forgotten by his only actual family, and he so fucking stupidly acted with politeness and fucking decency only for you to behave like that I am fucking pissed I fucking hate you for even bringing an unrelated person to that dinner like what the fuck even, how fucking dare you you scum you bring a stupid fucking fucker there to hurt that poor thing even more like what was the reason for that, I don't fucking care no matter what the reason was to bring someone with that sort of personality is just insane

Apparently if you shove food in your ass you can taste it, can't rmmbr where I read that but it was followed by someone actually trying it out and yeah, it was true.

bookmunchies created a topic of The Corpse Will Tell

They manufactured a replacement but I really don't know why they are soooo obsessed with her. No matter how popular as a sign of victory she is, does it really warrant such an expense? The number of people involved in that operation, not just the participants but the instructors, the staff, the guards, and then the money to pay up for their willingness to sign up for that shit, because it seems they were not kidnapped as is usual for that sort of thing, the food and everything they'd need for daily life not to mention like, the risk factor of their end product getting ill or dying, or even having some permanent damage from the hunger games type of life, after she is actually put to work, who can guarantee she will live and not you know, off herself or do smth that will lead to her own death on purpose. Overall, very incomprehensible move.

bookmunchies answered question about going to concerts
It wasn't hidden bfr, I think it happened after the comments and the report button were spirited away, but it might've been bfr that? Not exactly sure, but it could just be a side effect in the code. Comments with more than X number of dislikes used to be automatically deleted, I can't rmmbr the exact number, I think it was just one digit? It was a......