Sorry for the confusion!! This “new” chapter is not from us (I translate, kanon does the cleaning and typesetting) and is also just the preview of the actual next chapter. In the raws, there’s a preview before every new story, but we’ve been skipping them because the preview is in the beginning of the first chapter of each new story. I guess op thought the preview chapter was the actual next chapter, which it’s not ;; We’re still working hard on the next chapters, so I kindly ask that no one posts over us ^^

Hi idk if anyone will see this but I got bored and decided to pick up this manhwa lol it’s pretty short, just 12 chapters, but I am doing this all by myself (translating, cleaning, etc.) AND is something I picked up as a side activity (I also translate Monthly Chest) so the updates will be slow and not on a specific day, sadly. I’ll be trying my best to be quick though!

Can the uploaders just talk to each other instead of passive aggressively posting the same chapters and deleting each other’s chapters…. It’s getting really confusing, I don’t even know what chapter I’ve read and which I haven’t lmao. I know notyou_ is posting translations from a group that doesn’t even post on mangago, so imo they should concede, but at least figure this all out pls
I’d like to thank 2nd life scans from the bottom of my heart, I’ve had this manga in my want to read for years without any hope of ever reading it completed. I randomly went down my want to read list for any updates on manga I’ve marked and saw this one completed after THREE years. The work you guys do is amazing thank you so so much !!