I knew this was coming and even though the sister didn't necessarily do anything wrong, I can't bring myself to like her and I kinda resent her.
Lmao completely agree. She got over him real quick for someone who was so in love she couldn't move on. Like what if he accepted her she would have broken her sister and probably ended up with a different dude anyway. Plus she was always all "I understand you, I can handle you" implication being better than her sister. What a home wrecker....
I love Ohmi and Ellie together but I'm think I'm developing second make lead syndrome T^T
he's so damn cute, low-key tho Ellie doesn't deserve him, he's too good for her, not saying she's terrible, he's just too good for anyone lol
anyways ohmi and Ellie both are really in love and ohmi treats her fairly well so I don't ship Ellie with kaname, I wish they didn't make him have feelings for her, its unnecessary, it would be nice if they just had a friendship. 2nd mls are always used for extra drama and most of the time their so kind and pure, authors make us root for them w/ no chance of them ending w/ the fl
It's not letting me read chapter 8. Is it just me?
Its not letting me either, it either says to reload it or just crashes my entire browser. I've tried restarting my browser, clearing cache and even restarting my entire phone buy didnt work.
Same for me. But it worked once I switched to firefox. And if the pictures for a manhwa are blurry read them on firefox. They won't be blurry
Alr, thanks